Healthy Meal Plan Suggestions

Healthy Meal Plan Suggestions

Posted on 01. Aug, 2016 by in General Info

Here are some meal plan suggestions that work for the 24 Day Challenge:


  • Tuna with canola mayo, carrots, celery, cucumbers
  • Grilled chicken with steamed veggies and hummus
  • Grilled chicken salad with zero calorie dressing
  • Grilled fish and steamed veggies
  • Egg salad with mustard and a tiny amount of canola mayo on top of mixed greens
  • Leftovers from dinner πŸ™‚


What are your favorite 24 Day Challenge Meals?

* see recipe

1,137 Responses to “Healthy Meal Plan Suggestions”

  1. Tabitha

    28. Apr, 2012

    Wow we are just starting (my husband and I) and I was so excited to find this website. Thanks for all the ideas, recipes, and answers! Hopefully we will have a success story to share soon!

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  2. Susan

    28. Apr, 2012

    Can I have sugar and dairy free coffee instead of the spark?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      28. Apr, 2012

      @ Susan,
      No sugar on the 24 Day Challenge and no coffee on the cleanse.

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  3. Tracie

    27. Apr, 2012

    Why is the catalysis Important?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      27. Apr, 2012

      @ Tracie,
      Catalyst helps preserve lean muscle mass while you are losing weight. Can be taken during 24 Day Challenge and beyond.

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  4. joyce

    26. Apr, 2012

    Try the tuna packed in olive oil…its so much better then the water packed…Im sure its ok…cause the diet says we can have olive oil

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      27. Apr, 2012

      @ Joyce,
      Be sure to drain well, and know that you are adding calories.

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  5. Sheri

    26. Apr, 2012

    I have been taking my catalyst in the morning and in the afternoon when I get home from work about 5:30. Should I change and take it before lunch? Also, I am on day 6 of challenge I am adhering to strictly to the meal plan, for the exception of not eating any carbs at lunch or dinner, and so far only 2lbs lost. Also I am concerned about the cleanse not working correctly ;o)

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      27. Apr, 2012

      @ Sheri,
      Take Catalyst 1/2 hour before breakfast and lunch on empty stomach. Look at our FAQs to be sure you are adhering and answer any other question you may have including about elimination.

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  6. Linda

    24. Apr, 2012

    I am so discouraged πŸ™ I am on day 17 and have gained 2 pounds back of the 5 that I had lost. I am having problems with pain in my feet and back and cannot exercise at the moment. The Dr. has perscribed prednisone tablets(which I have not began taking yet) and I wonder if I should take the Max-3 tablets while I am taking the prednisone?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      27. Apr, 2012

      @ Linda,
      Suggest you discuss with your doctor. Eat lots of veggies and drink lots of water. Hope you feel better.

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  7. Krystal

    24. Apr, 2012

    Can I drink a Meal Replacement shake for dinner on the cleanse or do I have to eat?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      27. Apr, 2012

      @ Krsytal,
      We don’t use meal replacements on the cleanse since we are eliminating dairy. We start them on day 11 for breakfast.

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  8. Cassie

    24. Apr, 2012

    I am actually writing on behalf of my grandmother. I will finish up my 24 day challenge on Sunday. I feel great and I am planning on carrying my new eating habits on. My grandma has seen how well I have been doing and she can tell that I have lost weight and now she is interested in it. I am trying to find information for her about it because she is diabetic. She has been on things like Nutrasystem but the sugar alcohol is messing with her and only causing her more discomfort and she isn’t losing weight. Is it safe for her to go on the challenge and use the Advocare products?

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  9. Danielle

    23. Apr, 2012

    When is best to use the meal replacement? Does it matter what phase or days? I see generally for breakfast, but unsure on when. Thanks!

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  10. Caron

    23. Apr, 2012

    I am on day 15 of the 24 day challenge. I did great
    during my cleanse, I lost 8 lbs & 3 inches, but since
    I started the MNS pkgs, I have not lost anything. I
    feel great and my clothes are fitting loser but I see
    no more weight loss. I have even moved my
    exercises up to 40 minutes instead of 30 minutes.
    I am getting very frustrated that I am NOT cheating
    at all but I still do not see any more results!
    I am menopausal too, so could this be effecting me?
    And what else could I do to see more weight loss?

    Reply to this comment
  11. jbgood

    22. Apr, 2012

    is it ok to have fruit in your salads for lunch and also iv’e read on the advocare worksheet where they say balsalmic vinegar then i’ve read on this post that balsalmic has too much sugar and suggests walden farms dressings. I prefer to make my own dressing when I can so what am I allowed to make my dressings with other than no dairy?

    Reply to this comment
  12. Dawn

    22. Apr, 2012

    Two questions….
    There are a few vegetables not on your list that I like to eat. I’m hoping it’s not because they are a no go. Beets and eggplant??
    My husband and I are on day 1 of the 24 day.
    Also, does an unlimited vegetable, labeled with, (**), mean that you can have it WHENEVER you want or just as much as you want for that meal or snack time?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      27. Apr, 2012

      @ Dawn,
      Beets are high in sugar, and I would avoid now. Eggplant is fine if steamed. It absorbs a lot of oil, so don’t sautee. You can spray PAM on the grill and grill it. Fell free to add those veggies to your meals and snacks.

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  13. Jessica Jacobson

    22. Apr, 2012

    can you have whole wheat bread during the first 10 days?

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  14. Sandy

    22. Apr, 2012

    I am starting day 4 of the 24 challenge tomorrow. I did not purchase the meal replacement shakes. My advocare consultant said that I could have greek yogurt and granola for breakfast. Now I am reading that I should add a veggie as well. Can you recommend some breakfast ideas?

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  15. Amanda

    20. Apr, 2012

    what all can i eat for breakfast, instead of just an egg white omelet?!

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  16. Kayla

    19. Apr, 2012

    I want ranch sooooo bad. Is low-fat ranch after the cleanse ok every now and then? I don’t think I can stomach any more balsamic vinegar dressing. And I’ve also been using fat-free italian dressing but just read where that’s a no-no. Basically, if it tastes good, spit it out… ugh.

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  17. Jannen

    19. Apr, 2012

    What is a good way to fix brown rice, that gives it some flavor.

    Reply to this comment
    • Emily

      27. Apr, 2012

      I cook my brown rice with chicken bullion cubes. Makes it great!

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  18. Nicole

    18. Apr, 2012

    So during the cleanse…no triscuits? I thought I read you could have a complex carb at dinner… Doesn’t that count triscuits?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      19. Apr, 2012

      @ Nicole,
      No wheat and no crackers. Your complex carb can be 1/2 cup brown rice, 1/2 sweet potato, hummus. See the Grocery Guide.

      Reply to this comment
  19. Meme

    18. Apr, 2012

    Im on day 14 can I drink a diet coke or sprite zero, now .
    And I have been following the right gide lines on the right foods to eat but I’ve only lost 1 maybe 1 1/2 pounds, could my diabetes have anything to do with me lossing weight slower?
    My husband has lost 8or9 pounds:) Thanks

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      19. Apr, 2012

      For best results, no soda of any kind. Use water and Spark. You can ask your doctor about the diabetes relationship. Also, this post may help you.

      Reply to this comment
  20. Monanbilly

    17. Apr, 2012

    I’m on day 12 cani have wheat crackers with my tuna?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      17. Apr, 2012

      @ Monanbilly,
      For best results, no crackers. You can have a slice of whole wheat bread as your carb if desired after the cleanse, if your weight loss is going well.

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  21. Vanessa

    17. Apr, 2012

    So, no dairy EVER, or only during the first 10 days?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      17. Apr, 2012

      You can have limited dairy (no cheese or whole milk) after the cleanse, but many people keep off of it since noticing they feel better without the dairy. Dairy is known to cause inflammation.

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  22. Linda

    17. Apr, 2012

    Can you have bannanas?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      17. Apr, 2012

      @ Linda,
      A banana once in a while is okay, but try to stick to the fruits recommended especially berries, apples, and other fibrous fruit.

      Reply to this comment
  23. julie

    17. Apr, 2012

    I’m reading in some places that the fiber drink should be consumed with breakfast and other says I should wait 30 minutes after fiber drink to eat. Which one is true? And if I am also incorporating the catalyst should that be taken 30 minutes before the fiber drink or can I take it with it? thanks!

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      17. Apr, 2012

      Look at the checklists. Wait 30 minutes after fiber drink for breakfast. Take the Catalyst 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch (3 capsules).

      Reply to this comment
  24. Shannon

    16. Apr, 2012

    What are your thoughts on “decaf soy sugar free latte” =]…a size ‘short’ of course, during days 11-24… maybe 1-2 times p/week? Can you share why dairy is omitted? I’m on my 2nd round of 24-day and have really enjoyed the ‘Clean Eating’ even after my last 24 days were up. Just wondering about dairy and the benefit to cutting it out as much as possible!

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      16. Apr, 2012

      @ Shannon,
      Dairy can cause inflammation. No coffee during the cleanse, and would avoid or be sparing even with decaf after for best results.
      Repeat the cleanse portion only every 90 days. You can do the 14 Day MNS plan indefinitley (I do πŸ™‚ )

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  25. Lindsey

    15. Apr, 2012

    My husband and I are starting tomorrow…can we eat whole grain couscous?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      16. Apr, 2012

      @ Lindsey,
      For best results, stick to 1/2 cup brown rice or 1/2 sweet potato, or hummus as you carb if needed.

      Reply to this comment
  26. Lindsey

    14. Apr, 2012

    Im on day 3 of the cleanse. Are rice cakes ( no salt) ok to have with some peanut butter?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      16. Apr, 2012

      @ Lindsey,
      Natural peanut butter only with no sugar added. No more than 2 tablespoons. If you do not lose quickly enough, this can be eliminated.

      Reply to this comment
  27. andrea

    12. Apr, 2012

    Hi. Can I use balsamic vinegar and olive oil to dress salads?

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  28. Jamie

    10. Apr, 2012

    Hi i am on day 10 of the 24 day ! I lost 9 lbs so far the only thing i miss is my coffee! When can i have it again???? Tomorrow?????

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      12. Apr, 2012

      You need to keep drinking Spark. Coffee would be adding additional caffeine that is not needed. Great results.

      Reply to this comment
      • Linda

        14. Apr, 2012

        How about caffeine free coffee? I’ve been drinking one cup…after my spark drink. Also, can I have shell fish such as shrimp (boiled, broiled or grilled? Can I have watermelon?
        At night between supper/ dinner and bed time, I get pains in my stomach and I feel nauesious…why is this and what can I do about it? I am on day 7 and I’ve lost 5 pounds.

        Reply to this comment
        • Healthy Girl

          16. Apr, 2012

          @ Linda,
          No coffee including decaf on the cleanse.Limited shellfish and limited watermelon are okay – don’t have every day. Try to use fibrous fruit like berries and apples. Be sure to drink enough water. Have a small snack(almonds or egg, small piece of fruit) at night if that helps.

          Reply to this comment
  29. Dana

    09. Apr, 2012

    Is squash (all types) and wild rice ok to have? And I saw whole wheat tortillas on approved list but I thought we were supposed to stay away from that?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      09. Apr, 2012

      @ Dana,
      You can have squash, but try to pick more of the lower carb varieties. No wild rice. You can have a small serving of brown rice if it doesn’t stall you. No wheat during the cleanse.

      Reply to this comment
      • jenna

        11. Apr, 2012

        is it okay to have italian dressing if you make it yourself? i used olive oil, apple cider vinegar and an italian season mix?

        Reply to this comment
        • Healthy Girl

          12. Apr, 2012

          The Italian seasoning mix that I have seen would not work as there is sugar and other things that should be avoided. Use these suggestions.

          Reply to this comment
          • jenna

            12. Apr, 2012

            i am on day 2 of the cleanse and now i am afraid i might have messed up. i used my own italian dressing on a salad once last night and i used it to marinate my grilled chicken for dinner tonight. is this going to stall my results? is there anything i can do to fix it? other than that i have been following everything to a tee.

          • Healthy Girl

            12. Apr, 2012

            @ Jenna,
            Continue on. πŸ™‚

  30. Ashley

    02. Apr, 2012

    What would you reccomend for a snack in between meals and would you be able to direct me to a menu plan if there is one?

    Reply to this comment
  31. Abbi

    29. Mar, 2012

    My family ordered pizza the other night for supper. That was the only thing that they had. They thought they were being nice by getting me a deLite (super thin crust) veggie pizza with little cheese. I made sure to drink over 120 ounces of water that day and got back right on track the next day. Will this hinder my weight lose?

    Reply to this comment
  32. Nicki

    27. Mar, 2012

    How about peanut butter?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      29. Mar, 2012

      @ Nicki,
      Peanut butter is okay as a snack without the bread and jelly. It needs to be natural peanut butter without sugar added. It is alot of calories, so be careful to limit to no more than 2 tablespoons.

      Reply to this comment
  33. Donna

    26. Mar, 2012

    can you have decaff herbal hot tea on cleanse?
    During Phase 2, can you have dairy? coffee?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      29. Mar, 2012

      @ Donna,
      You can have the tea, but best to use water and Spark as much as possible in lieu of this. For best results, limit your dairy and coffee on Phase 2.

      Reply to this comment
  34. Terry

    25. Mar, 2012

    I’m on cleansing stage can I use fat free miracle whip? I don’t like mustard.

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  35. Michele

    25. Mar, 2012

    thiis is my second time around with doing the 24 day challenge. I did great the first time but this time looks like I have only lost about 3 pounds and still have about 5 days left. Why is this time so different? I work out 5 days a week sometime doing 2hours of cardio classes. Very frustrated. I hope I have lost inches. Michele

    Reply to this comment
  36. ladyglove

    23. Mar, 2012

    So is a small amount of ranch dressing ok to have on salads?? And I don’t like fruit much, so what else can be used to stay regular during both phases? My stomach feels bloated but I’m not eating more than just the shake for breakfast, salads for lunch n dinner, and almonds for mid afternoon snack… ????

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      24. Mar, 2012

      @ Ladyglove,
      You don’t say which phase you are one, but for either one, you need to be eating protein, etc. Pls review the instructions for your phase. Then look at this post

      Reply to this comment
  37. Kadie

    23. Mar, 2012

    How are the meal replacements dairy if they are mixed with water?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      24. Mar, 2012

      @ Kadie,
      They contain whey protein, which is a dairy product.

      Reply to this comment
  38. Wendy

    22. Mar, 2012

    I am on day 15 of the 24 day challenge and did great the first week (during the cleanse) and lost 7 pounds. This last week though I only lost 1 pound???? Lil frustrated??? I am following to the letter…. drinking alot of water and exercising 3 times a week. Anybody have any ideas?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      24. Mar, 2012

      @ Wendy,
      8 pounds in 15 days is great. Keep going. πŸ™‚

      Reply to this comment
  39. Nicole

    20. Mar, 2012

    Some of the info listed says you can have somemoderate wheat during the cleanse phase, others say not to. Which is it? πŸ™‚


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  40. Donna

    20. Mar, 2012

    For phase 1, where/when should u incorporate the catalyst?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      24. Mar, 2012

      @ Donna,
      Half hour before breakfast and lunch on empty stomach.

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