Healthy Meal Plan Suggestions

Healthy Meal Plan Suggestions

Posted on 01. Aug, 2016 by in General Info

Here are some meal plan suggestions that work for the 24 Day Challenge:


  • Tuna with canola mayo, carrots, celery, cucumbers
  • Grilled chicken with steamed veggies and hummus
  • Grilled chicken salad with zero calorie dressing
  • Grilled fish and steamed veggies
  • Egg salad with mustard and a tiny amount of canola mayo on top of mixed greens
  • Leftovers from dinner 🙂


What are your favorite 24 Day Challenge Meals?

* see recipe

1,137 Responses to “Healthy Meal Plan Suggestions”

  1. josh

    27. Jan, 2012

    Is Jicama something I can eat on this challenge? If so what about the cleanse phase.

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  2. Carolyn

    26. Jan, 2012

    I am finishing day 1 of the Challenge… definately a good choice! Two questions: can we eat other types of fish/seafood in phase 1 other than tuna or salad? Cod perhaps? (baked of course) Second question, Are chicken or turkey good to use during phase 1?

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  3. Kali

    26. Jan, 2012

    I am on day 3 of the Cleanse. I thought I read you can eat steaks but I keep seeing flyers and food lists adnd I do not see that as an option. Is this ok? Should I not have anymore? Thanks!

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  4. Charley

    26. Jan, 2012

    i am past my 24day challenge and continuing to stick to my eating habits but i was wondring if steak in the right porportions is ok? i was also seeing where you said tuna in oil but on my grocery sheet it says tuns in water, is that ok or is that bad cause i normally eat it on a salad and as far as dressing i bought organic and use the recommended amout. also i take the Omega, Catalyst, Max3 and i was wondering if there was anything else you would recommend for me?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      28. Jan, 2012

      @ Charlie,
      We advise tuna in water. After the cleanse, limited amounts of lean beef would be okay, but not on a daily basis. 🙂
      Just because the dressing says organic, doesn’t mean it will help you to continue to lose weight or maintain your loss. Suggest vinegar with small amount of olive oil or Walden Farms dressing for best results.
      See our post “after the 24 Days”

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  5. harley

    25. Jan, 2012

    Hi -day 2 can i have veggie burgers: black,pinto beans, onions, garlic, oatmeal – for binding, corn ;cooked in little olive oil and then patted down??? Can I have organic whole grain rice cake???

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      26. Jan, 2012

      @ Harley,
      Try completing the 24 Day before adding veggie burgers.

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  6. Dave D

    25. Jan, 2012

    During cleanse, are bacon or cured meats acceptable?

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  7. Alexis

    25. Jan, 2012

    Can i do the cleanse without the catalyst pills? I dont have those..

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      26. Jan, 2012

      @ Alexis,
      You can do without the Catalyst, but for best results, we suggest using.

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  8. Gen

    25. Jan, 2012

    What if we use low sodium chicken stock instead of H2o for making couscous?

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  9. Raleigh

    25. Jan, 2012

    Can you eat Chilli on the cleanse?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      26. Jan, 2012

      @ Raleigh,
      You can if turkey, beans and low salt tomatoes. No cheese, chips, etc.

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  10. julie

    24. Jan, 2012

    Can I drink Pero while on the cleanse? It is a coffee substitute made of barley, and chickory?

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  11. Casey

    24. Jan, 2012

    Can you have almond milk? and sugar free pudding during the cleanse?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      24. Jan, 2012

      Stick to the foods recomended on the instruction sheet. No pudding or milk or dairy products.

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  12. Gen

    24. Jan, 2012

    What about Couscous? Can I eat that as a healthy carb made with stock and no oils?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      24. Jan, 2012

      You could use a small serving as your complex carb. I would avoid using stock which will be high in sodium.

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  13. josh

    24. Jan, 2012

    Am I allowed to eat a complex carb once a day during the cleanse phase? The directions list it as an option but I’ve read some of your responses and you say to wait until after the cleanse.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      24. Jan, 2012

      @ Josh, 1 per day is fine. Just use small portion of brown rice, hummus, beans or half sweet potato. No wheat products.

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  14. Michelle

    23. Jan, 2012

    running out of breakfast ideas for the 10 day cleanse…just had fruit and hard boiled egg… is steel cut oats okay? Please give suggestions. Thanks!

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      24. Jan, 2012

      You can use the oats, but for best results, stick with the fruit (and hard boiled eggs if you want)
      On Day 11, you will have a change when you add in the meal replacement shakes.

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  15. Tammie

    22. Jan, 2012

    my husband and I just started the 10 day cleanse, can we do the tuna salad up top during the cleanse?

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  16. Carla

    22. Jan, 2012

    I have reviewed recipes on Skinny Crockpots website….it appears they would follow advocares meal suggestions as far as chicken/turkey options. i am just looking for a few more recipe options. agree or disagree?

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  17. Gen

    21. Jan, 2012

    Can I use balsamic vinegar on my salads instead of lemon juice or salsa which I don’t find satisfying?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      22. Jan, 2012

      @ Gen
      We avoid balsamic vinegar because of the sugar content.

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  18. Mike

    21. Jan, 2012

    Hello, I have seen its ok for canola mayo…. But what about olive oil mayo, isn’t that healthier. I looked up the nutrition on both and olive oil looks better.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      22. Jan, 2012

      @ Mike,
      Us the canola which is half the fat and half the calories, but just a tiny amount with some mustard mixed in.

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  19. Lilliana

    21. Jan, 2012

    Can i have at least one cup of coffee with splenda? what about creamer for my coffee?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      22. Jan, 2012

      On the cleanse we avoid some things to get our body primed to accept nutrition. No coffee or dairy. Use Spark and drink water.

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  20. Amanda Braswell

    19. Jan, 2012

    I am taking the MNSMAX C… I also have thermoplus, catalysts, carb ease, and fibo trim. I know to add the thermolus with the catalyst, but I am confused where to add in the carb ease and the fibo trim? Thankyou

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      22. Jan, 2012

      @ Amanda,
      Wait until after the 24 Day, and follow the directions on the bottle. They are not used daily.

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  21. Cherina

    18. Jan, 2012

    Can I have 100% whole wheat bread, pasta or tortillas during the 24 day challenge?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      19. Jan, 2012

      @ Cherina,
      None of the above during the cleanse – Phase I. You could use 1 slice of the bread during Phase II as your complex carb of the day.

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  22. Lexie

    18. Jan, 2012

    Hi!! I am currently on day 2 of my 24 day and am highly interested in adding in the catalyst. Do people usually see better results with the catayst? I have read some places to take it 10-15 minutes before a workout an other places to take on an empty stomach- which do you suggest?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      18. Jan, 2012

      @ Lexie,
      Catalyst is a great product to add in. I take half hour before breakfast and lunch on empty stomach. You can take before your workout if on empty stomach.

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  23. Cherina

    18. Jan, 2012

    Can you have egg beaters?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      18. Jan, 2012

      @ Cherina,
      As long as you are not adding butter or milk, should be okay.

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  24. Rhonda

    18. Jan, 2012

    How about vegetarian options? Is tofu an acceptable protein source?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      18. Jan, 2012

      @ Rhonda,
      Tofu is an excellent source of protein to use. We are big fans of the SoyBoy Tofu Lin

      Natural peanut butter with no sugar added in very limited portions is good.

      Do you eat fish, eggs or dairy? Dairy after the cleanse is fine.

      After the cleanse, try the Griller’s Prime burgers after the cleanse . They have a lower carb content and taste fantastic. Some of the veggie burgers are loaded with carbs and sodium, so be careful.

      Reply to this comment
  25. Stephanie

    18. Jan, 2012

    I am on Day 2 of the 10 day challenge and I was wondering, can I take the catalyst now or wait till Days 14-24? The other question is if I follow the guide online for the 10 Day, it says take 4-6 probiotic pills at dinner, but the bottle of pills says only 2..what do I do? and if more than 2, how many?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      18. Jan, 2012

      @ Stephanie
      Yes, Catalyst should be used on all phases.

      Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      18. Jan, 2012

      @ Stephanie,
      Yes, Catalyst is for all Phases. It is 4-6 Omegas, not probiotics. You can take 2 at lunch and 2 at dinner. Just be sure you take them with a meal.

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  26. astrodweeb

    18. Jan, 2012

    Are beans (whole) and legumes appropriate for the diet?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      18. Jan, 2012

      @ Astrodweeb,
      Use 1/2 cup as your complex carb for the day.

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  27. Kat

    18. Jan, 2012

    hi, can I have tuna with canola mayo on whole wheat tortilla’s during the cleanse?
    and what about chicken salad with canola mayo?

    Reply to this comment
  28. Christy

    18. Jan, 2012

    Please list more meal options for 10 day cleanse. I can’t eat seafood or fish. I’m eating chicken everyday so far…on day 7. My mom is doing the 24 day challenge and likes fish,but is always texting me about what she can eat. Please help! Also, wondering why I gained 1.2lbs. on this cleanse??? Do people ever gain weight on a cleanse? Thx!

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      18. Jan, 2012

      @ Christy,
      Gaining weight is not usual. You can send us a list of what you have been eating through the CONTACT US link, and we will review. Be sure to list quantities and times of day. Also what you are drinking. Include supplements.

      Reply to this comment
  29. Kimberly

    18. Jan, 2012

    What about fingerling potatoes after 10 day cleanse

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      18. Jan, 2012

      @ Kimberly,
      Complex carbs once per day after cleanse if neeeded. For best results, use 1/2 sweet potato, half cup brown rice, hummus or other complex carb.

      Reply to this comment
  30. rosa

    18. Jan, 2012

    What happens if i eat somthing i shouldent in the first 10 days do i need to restart of can i keep going???

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      18. Jan, 2012

      @ Rosa,
      Just continue on and try to eat according to plan going forward.

      Reply to this comment
  31. Christina

    17. Jan, 2012

    There are only 14 meal replacement shakes in the 24-day bundle. Should I use them for the first phase (cleansing) or second phase (MNS)?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      18. Jan, 2012

      @ Christina,
      The shakes are used after the cleanse (2nd phase).

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  32. anna

    17. Jan, 2012

    the last 14 days of the challenge can you go back to having dairy and beef?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      17. Jan, 2012

      @ Anna,
      Limited dairy like greek yogurt is okay. Lean beef – use sparingly.

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  33. Maegan

    17. Jan, 2012

    Are refrained beans ok if they are fat/salt free?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      17. Jan, 2012

      @ Maegan,
      Nothing fried.

      Reply to this comment
      • Brian

        17. Jan, 2012

        They why are half of the Advocare suggested recipes calling for frying Chicken in oil in a pan, or vegies cooking in oil on the pan, do you not consider these fried foods?

        Reply to this comment
        • Healthy Girl

          18. Jan, 2012

          Best results are with grilling chicken and steaming veggies. The recipes with PAM in nonstick pan, or tiny amount of olive oil should be fine and have worked for people.

          Reply to this comment
  34. Shanna

    16. Jan, 2012

    I am just starting out with the 10 day challenge and having a hard time finding enuf meal plans and snack ideas for just this challenge. Every link seems to concentrate on the 24 day. Where can I find a good grocery list and list of meal plans for just the 10 day?

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  35. Dana

    16. Jan, 2012

    What about raisins during the 10 day cleanse phase?

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  36. Laci R.

    16. Jan, 2012

    I just now received my first cleanse yesterday, & I was wondering is it ok if I take it on an empty stomach?

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  37. Katy

    15. Jan, 2012

    Do I have to eat as much as th emeal plan says if I’m not used to eating that much every day?

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  38. Jude

    15. Jan, 2012

    What about using the post workout recovery formula? Also, what about agave nectar?

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  39. Bridget

    15. Jan, 2012

    Is pork ok to eat during the 10 day cleanse?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      15. Jan, 2012

      Lean pork only without sauce or marinades, and not fried.

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  40. Judi Poynor

    15. Jan, 2012

    Day 10 of 24 day challenge. I have also purchased liptolean and thermoplus. So now I want to add them to the catalyst and mns3, but I am so confused when to take all of this and in what combination and right times? It seems like a lot of supplements….but I feel great!!!! I have seen all the charts but still can’t quite figure it out. And sometimes it says 1-3 tabs, really would I want to take 3 catalyst, 3 thermoburns…? Any helpful breakdown would be appreciated.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      15. Jan, 2012

      @ Judi,
      Take 1 Thermoplus on empty stomach when you take Catalyst. Leptolean once per day, 45 minutes before lunch or dinner.

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