Healthy Meal Plan Suggestions

Healthy Meal Plan Suggestions

Posted on 01. Aug, 2016 by in General Info

Here are some meal plan suggestions that work for the 24 Day Challenge:


  • Tuna with canola mayo, carrots, celery, cucumbers
  • Grilled chicken with steamed veggies and hummus
  • Grilled chicken salad with zero calorie dressing
  • Grilled fish and steamed veggies
  • Egg salad with mustard and a tiny amount of canola mayo on top of mixed greens
  • Leftovers from dinner 🙂


What are your favorite 24 Day Challenge Meals?

* see recipe

1,137 Responses to “Healthy Meal Plan Suggestions”

  1. Whitney

    19. Mar, 2012

    I need some lunch and supper recipes! 🙂 Preferably easy and quick ones.. Thanks!

    Reply to this comment
  2. tabata

    18. Mar, 2012

    I like your fantastic web site. Just what I was searching for!
    Best regards

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  3. Meghan

    16. Mar, 2012

    Are chickpeas ok to eat during the cleanse?

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  4. KatE

    13. Mar, 2012

    Thanks for being so helpful!

    I am in outside sales and am in my car or appts all day- can you reccommendation easy, good snacks/lunches to have for someone like me who is on the go?

    Only on day 2 and messed up eating the fajitas tonight:(

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      19. Mar, 2012

      @ Kate,
      Pack your lunch and snacks. Hard boiled eggs are great as are the 100 calorie bags of almonds for snacks.

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  5. Kate

    13. Mar, 2012

    Can I make fajitas w taco seasoning w low sodium and no MSG?

    Also I see brown rice is ok, but has more carbs than my favorite corn tortillas- can I eat those?

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  6. Liz

    13. Mar, 2012

    How many fruit servings can we have daily?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      13. Mar, 2012

      @ Liz,
      Please look at the instructions for your phase.

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  7. PERLA

    12. Mar, 2012

    any breakfast ideas while on the cleanse phase? 🙂

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      12. Mar, 2012

      @ Perla,
      Enjoy fruit as stated in the instructions. Can have hard boiled eggs with or mid morning. Vary your fruit.

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  8. Stephanie

    09. Mar, 2012

    Hi there…I am just a little confused on the complex carbs. I am on day three of the 24day challenge. My afternoon snack has been a rice cake with almond butter. I see that rice, hummus and oatmeal are listed as okay in one place…and then I noticed somewhere else that they say only to eat as needed.

    Should I try to get through the 10days minus the carbs? I want the best possible results…and I am not a carb craver.


    ps – this site is so helpful to me.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      12. Mar, 2012

      @ Stephanie,
      Glad I can help. If you minimize to 1 serving per day, your results should be better.

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  9. Erik Denton

    08. Mar, 2012

    Ok my wife and I are going to start the 24 day challege however we are so confussed. On day one until the end of the cleanse what are we going to eat. After the cleanse what are we going to eat? is there a website that will give exact instructions on what to do and how many calories we are going to injest

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  10. vikki tucker

    07. Mar, 2012

    hello…i have done the cleanse & 24 day & was in the 38 day tone up challenge & did great…joined a fitness ctr & am now wanting to lose more…i have started taking fibro trim & thermo plus before meals…one states to take 30 minutes before a meal, the other 10 to 15 minutes. i have been taking them together {too many time limits to remember} & want to know if to eat at the exact time after taking? or is it better to eat within that 30, 10 or 15 time frame? & if u do not eat within that time is the product not effective? when i take them i am usually going to be eating with the 30 minutes, is it better to wait the time ? or eat within the time? i have not been losing anymore according to the scale & been eating less…so was wondering what i mebbe have been doing wrong? thank*U…

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      07. Mar, 2012

      We only use fibotrim when exposed to higher fat meal, not all the time. Using thermoplus half hour before a meal with catalyst is good. What meal plan are you following?

      Reply to this comment
  11. Lindsay

    06. Mar, 2012

    I was looking at the meal plan and it says at breakfast you need the Probiotic Restore and a fiber drink..the kit does not include these items…is there something I could use instead? Would a fiber bar work instead of fiber drink?
    Can I use Whey Protein shakes during the Phase 1 if i mix it with water?

    Reply to this comment
  12. Fay

    05. Mar, 2012

    My husband is on the 10 day challenge and was wondering if he can have spaghetti sauce?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      06. Mar, 2012

      @ Fay,
      Many spaghetti sauces contain things we are avoiding like sugar, wheat, so not a great idea.

      Reply to this comment
      • Jessica

        09. Mar, 2012

        I always buy spagetti sauce that is corn syrup free and wheat free, are these ok? The sauces I buy usually only have 5 ingredients, no added sugar and only 5grams of sugar which is naturally occuring from the tomatoes.

        Reply to this comment
        • Healthy Girl

          12. Mar, 2012

          @ Jessica,
          Check to be sure there isn’t alot of sodium.

          Reply to this comment
  13. Mindy

    02. Mar, 2012

    for the meals…do you eat until you are full or is there only a certain amount per meal? i looked at the recommend food list & meals, but just wondering how much food should you be eating a day. thanks!

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  14. Misty

    28. Feb, 2012

    I’ve taken MNS MAX3 on my phase 2, but have forgotten to take my ‘before lunch’ packet (hectic work sched) and after time, I’ve accumulated many packets. When and how can I still take these? I am afraid to double up on lunch packets and then feel overstimulated. Or take them at supper and not be able to sleep. Can I still take them after I’ve eaten?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      29. Feb, 2012

      @ Misty,
      Do not double up.

      Reply to this comment
      • Bryenne

        02. Mar, 2012

        You say don’t double up, but can you answer if we can take them later if we forgot? Can I take it before dinner?

        Reply to this comment
  15. sherri

    28. Feb, 2012

    I’m in the cleansing stage. can i eat shrimp.? what bout chicken wings and drummetts? what bout popcorn?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      29. Feb, 2012

      @ Sherri,
      Some say avoid shrimp, but we think okay to use in moderate portions if boiled. No cocktail sauce, however. Chicken wings, drumettes and popcorn are to be avoided. Pls review the instructions and grocery guide for foods that are advised.

      Reply to this comment
  16. Janie Eufers

    28. Feb, 2012

    When and how many omegaplex pills should take during my cleanse ?

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  17. jessica

    28. Feb, 2012

    I have a friend asking if V8 tomato soup is ok during the cleanse. Also, what about meat substitutes such as morning star?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      29. Feb, 2012

      @ Jessica,
      V8 and other juices are a no. Use whole fruit and vegetables. Meat substitutes like Morning Star, in general, are not good for the challenge. Many have added sugar, wheat, etc. Look at the ingredients.

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  18. Kayla

    27. Feb, 2012

    From what I understood mushrooms were not a good choice for the 24 day challenge especially the cleanse part becuase mushrooms along with cheese are a mold? I have seen you have said a few times that mushrooms are OK to have but on the advocare yes/no food list mushrooms are listed as a food to avoid. Can you please explain?

    (Sorry I asked this twice, not sure if it worked last time)

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      27. Feb, 2012

      @ Kayla,
      Mushrooms are fine to use. Not familiar with a restriction there.

      Reply to this comment
  19. Jalin

    25. Feb, 2012

    we just received our package for the 24 day challenge and it didn’t come with a shopping list or sample menu. Can anyone direct me to a place where i can find more specific information about my daily menu. i would like to see exact meals and their proportions Thanks

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  20. Kari

    24. Feb, 2012

    Are foods allowed on a Paleo diet allowed? Does anyone have any other recipes other than the few suggested above? I love to experiment with new foods and recipes!

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  21. Cristina

    23. Feb, 2012

    Can I have peanut butter??

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      27. Feb, 2012

      @ Cristina,
      You may use 2 tables spoons of natural peanut butter with no sugar added “IF” your weight loss is doing well.

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  22. Tara@

    22. Feb, 2012

    How about cheese? Is cheese ok to eat during the cleanse phase? Also sliced boiled ham?

    Reply to this comment
  23. jamie

    21. Feb, 2012

    Do the eggs have to be hard boiled?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      21. Feb, 2012

      @ Jamie,
      The eggs don’t have to be boiled, but it does make it easier when they are plain. Otherwise cook with PAM – no milk, butter, etc.

      Reply to this comment

    16. Feb, 2012

    I’m on my 2nd day of the herbel clensing phase. I ate some leftover chicken fajita for lunch today. Is that okay to eat during the clensing phase? It’s the kind that is already seasoned when you buy it. Also, I wasn’t sure whether to take 4 omega-plex pills or not during dinner since the bottle says to take 2 two times daily.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      21. Feb, 2012

      @ Catherine,
      fajita can have lots of added ingredients that we are trying to avoid. Look at the ingredients to check. You can take 4 omegas as long as with a meal.

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  25. Gizele

    16. Feb, 2012

    Are hard boiled eggs not considered dairy?

    Reply to this comment
  26. Goots

    14. Feb, 2012

    I’m just getting back into the swing of things again. I notice that a product called Body Lean is not available or has been re-named. Please tell me if it has been re-named? Thank you

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      16. Feb, 2012

      @ Goots,
      Not familiar with that product, what was it?

      Reply to this comment
      • Goots

        16. Feb, 2012

        I figured it out. It’s called Muscle gain now. Has 25 grams of protein in each scope to help provide lean muscle gain. It’s beyond fantastic! Sorry for getting off the message board topic.

        Reply to this comment
  27. jamie

    14. Feb, 2012

    Are the Kraft Fat Free Salad dressings ok? Such as the Fat Free Catalina, Fat Free Italian, or Thousand Island? Alos, does anyone have a good recipe for a salad dressing?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      16. Feb, 2012

      @ Jamie,
      Stick with a vinegar (not balsamic) and a small amount of oil, or Walden Farms.

      Reply to this comment
  28. Jacque

    06. Feb, 2012

    Is it ok to have more than one meal replacement shakes a day after phase 2?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      08. Feb, 2012

      @ Jacque,
      Are you talking about using it after the 24 Day for breakfast and lunch? Would not hurt, but be sure to eat enough vegetables during the day also. You might like to try the Meal Replacement bars after the 24 Day – we love them!

      Reply to this comment
    • Tricia

      08. Feb, 2012

      I was wondering if you can have seafood such as shrimp, lobster, or crab legs during the cleanse?

      Reply to this comment
      • Healthy Girl

        08. Feb, 2012

        @ Tricia
        Many say to avoid. I think you could do plain boiled shrimp (no cocktail sauce or butter) once during the cleanse as long as your loss if okay.

        Reply to this comment
  29. kim

    05. Feb, 2012

    Day 1 of the 24 day challenge. Tomorrow is 1st breakfast day. Spark, Omega and Fiber drink. Then breakfast. Is breakfast normal…i.e. oatmeal or cereal? even after fiber drink? or just fruit. also, swimming is my sport. What to do before my swim workout? Thanks.

    Reply to this comment
  30. Tracy

    04. Feb, 2012

    do you integrate the omegaplex in the same manner as the cleanse during days 11-24? I would assume the same for catalyst?

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  31. Jamie

    04. Feb, 2012

    Can you drink the meal replacement shakes the first 10 days?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      05. Feb, 2012

      Our group does not drink until Phase 2 since we give up dairy during the cleanse.

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  32. Mary

    02. Feb, 2012

    I am starting the cleanse tomorrow and need to know what vegan protein sources are allowed during the first 10 days? Thanks.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      03. Feb, 2012

      @ Mary.
      Tofu is your best bet. 1/2 -1 cup beans once per day. Assuming you do not use eggs. See other questions/answers about vegetarian suggestions for 24 day.

      Reply to this comment
  33. lauren

    02. Feb, 2012

    How could you prepare as chicken faijta that would be appropriate for the cleanse

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  34. Natalis

    01. Feb, 2012

    I am a vegetarian, I don’t eat tofu. Can you recommend adairy free protein shake.can I do vegi burger’s?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      01. Feb, 2012

      @ Natalis,
      I only have experience with the Advocare Meal Replacement shakes and Muscle Gain. Both have whey protein.
      Natural peanut butter with no sugar added in very limited portions is good.
      Do you eat fish, eggs or dairy? Dairy after the cleanse is fine.
      After the cleanse, try the Griller’s Prime veggie burgers. They have a lower carb content and taste fantastic. Some of the veggie burgers are loaded with carbs and sodium, so be careful.

      Reply to this comment
  35. Socialbuttafly

    01. Feb, 2012

    Can I take the Advocare Protein Shake with the cleanse?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      01. Feb, 2012

      @ Socialbuttafly,
      We don’t use until Phase II since we are avoiding dairy.

      Reply to this comment
  36. Melissa

    31. Jan, 2012

    Can you eat black eyed peas while doing the cleanse? And what types of salad dressings are you all using?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      01. Feb, 2012

      Yes, but cooked plain. Small portion should count as your complex carb.

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  37. Joe

    30. Jan, 2012

    I am fixing to start phase 2 of the 24 day challenge.. I have two questions:
    1. Is it ok to eat SUBWAY?
    2. What type of lean Steak is best?

    Reply to this comment
  38. Jen

    29. Jan, 2012

    Is it ok to eat frozen yogurt occasionally after the cleanse phase?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      29. Jan, 2012

      @ Jen,
      It depends on your weight loss. If you are losing quickly, you might be able to accommodate it once a week if there is a very low sugar content, but be careful – many of them are loaded with sugar and other things we are trying to avoid.

      Reply to this comment
  39. Mary Beth

    28. Jan, 2012

    what is your opinion on using meal replacement shakes during the cleanse. in general for lactose intolerant?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      28. Jan, 2012

      @ Mary Beth,
      Our group does not use meal replacement shakes until the 2nd phase since we are eliminating dairy. Personally, the meal replacement shakes are my favorite. I use every day. They do have whey protein.

      Reply to this comment
  40. Bridgette

    28. Jan, 2012

    I am in Phase I of the 24 day challenge. I’m told no mushrooms through any phase. Is it ok to eat squash, onions, green peppers or ground turkey burger?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      28. Jan, 2012

      @ Bridgette,
      All the items are fine including the mushrooms.

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