Healthy Meal Plan Suggestions

Healthy Meal Plan Suggestions

Posted on 01. Aug, 2016 by in General Info

Here are some meal plan suggestions that work for the 24 Day Challenge:


  • Tuna with canola mayo, carrots, celery, cucumbers
  • Grilled chicken with steamed veggies and hummus
  • Grilled chicken salad with zero calorie dressing
  • Grilled fish and steamed veggies
  • Egg salad with mustard and a tiny amount of canola mayo on top of mixed greens
  • Leftovers from dinner πŸ™‚


What are your favorite 24 Day Challenge Meals?

* see recipe

1,137 Responses to “Healthy Meal Plan Suggestions”

  1. Tina

    18. Jul, 2011

    What about peanut butter for the 24 day challenge?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      18. Jul, 2011

      Use natural peanut butter only with no added sugar.

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  2. Kaeli

    14. Jul, 2011

    I looked at the shopping guide and don’t see certain fruits on there… i have been eating grapes pretty frequently as my snack/dessert, is that something i should stop doing?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      18. Jul, 2011

      @ Kaeli, Grapes have a lot of sugar. Try to use berries, melon, apples, etc.

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  3. Michelle

    13. Jul, 2011

    is low sodium V8 juice ok?

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    • Healthy Girl

      13. Jul, 2011

      Stick to the actual vegetables and fruit, not juice on the cleanse.

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  4. Kim

    13. Jul, 2011

    I am a little confused on what the veggie to fruit ratio should be. Would you recommend how many servings of fruit we should be consuming during the challenge? I appreciate the help!

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  5. Kelli

    12. Jul, 2011

    Hi! I’m on day 2 of the Cleanse and wondered if it’s okay to have Hot Green Tea during first 10 days and/or the next 14?
    Thanks so much!

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      14. Jul, 2011

      @ Kelli,
      Decaf tea would be okay. You are getting caffeine in the Spark.

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  6. Tina

    10. Jul, 2011

    Can you mix the fiber with fruit juice? If so, what kind and what about diet drinks?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      10. Jul, 2011

      No fruit juice or diet drinks. Just mix it well in cold water and drink quickly so it doesn’t thicken.

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  7. Christy

    10. Jul, 2011

    I am going to start the 24 day challenge but I am currently taking birth control and I was wondering if that is going to be a problem.


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  8. Meagan

    09. Jul, 2011

    If you use a straw for the fiber drink, it’s much easier to get down. You bypass most of your tastebuds:)

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  9. betsy herring

    08. Jul, 2011

    Help what is the meal plan? Just 1,2 3, instructions and suggestions, please? Already bought wheat buns and bread and now I see that’s a no no on the 10 day flush. Is is just fruit and veges?

    Reply to this comment
  10. Lindsay

    07. Jul, 2011

    Just about to start the cleanse (24 day challenge)…what fruits do you recommend on the cleanse? Also, did I read that we shouldn’t have bottom feeders like lobster and shrimp? And last thing…I didn’t see anything about the amount of calories we should be consuming. How do I know what my target caloric intake should be?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      09. Jul, 2011

      You can have plain shrimp and lobster, but no butter πŸ™‚
      Fruits recommended are apples, melon, berries (especially raspberries since high fiber). Peaches and plums are good. Stay away from the high sugar fruits like papaya and mango.
      We don’t focus on calories.

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  11. Name (required)

    04. Jul, 2011

    starting days 11 24 is the grocery list the same as 1 10

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  12. twomoores

    26. Jun, 2011

    Husband & I are starting the 10 day cleanse tomorrow. Would you advice us on being able to eat wild meat such as deer and elk. We have chicken & salmon but wanted to be able to spice it up abit since we both have to take cold lunches every day to work. We didn’t purchase the meal replacement shakes will a fruit work for that? Thank you

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  13. z

    26. Jun, 2011

    When during the 24 day challenge can I take the fibo-trim?

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    26. Jun, 2011

    Im on the second day of herbal clense i have been reading other post and there is a drink call slam can you have that now or in the 14 day part

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      26. Jun, 2011

      Annette, You can have SLAM now. It does have caffeine, so not at the same time as Spark.

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  15. Melody

    24. Jun, 2011

    Great, thanks! Of the products, what is time sensitive? We purchased the elite package so we have the catalyst, thermoplus, spark, etc. I’m just wondering out of everything, what do we have to make sure we take at the same time every day? I know there will be days that we eat dinner at different times and things like that.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      27. Jun, 2011

      The time of day as you mention, should not be a problem.
      Catalyst – 3 capsules twice a day – half hour before meal (suggest before breakfast and lunch. Thermoplus the same – but don’t start until after the cleanse.

      Reply to this comment
      • Melody

        28. Jun, 2011

        We aren’t supposed to take the Catalyst or Thermoplus during the cleanse? Oops…lol This is Day 2 for me, Day 1 for my husband and we have taken both. Are we only supposed to take the Omegaplex during the cleanse?

        Reply to this comment
        • Healthy Girl

          28. Jun, 2011

          @ Melody,
          Catalyst is fine. Hold off on Thermoplus until after the cleanse.

          Reply to this comment
          • Melody

            28. Jun, 2011

            Oh okay! Great…thank you so much!!

  16. Jason

    24. Jun, 2011

    I purchased the 24 day challenge kit and am now on day 7. I’m following the program pretty well and have lost 5 pounds. However, reading several of the comments, it seems as though I am also supposed to be using Catalyst (which isn’t included in the kit, and I wasn’t told that I also needed it). Is this is a necessary part? If so, I’m not able to put any more money into products right now, so how do I maximize my results without using the catalyst during the challenge?

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  17. Melody

    23. Jun, 2011

    Hello….my husband and I just received our kit in the mail. We are waiting until we get our meal plans worked out to start. I found this website,, that says they sell zero calorie salad dressing and mayonnaise. It actually says no calories, carbs, gluten, or sugar of any kind. Would these things be okay to eat during the 10-day cleanse and the second phase as well?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      23. Jun, 2011

      Using a little of the salad dressing should be fine. I use some of it, myself, but in small quantities. It does have sodium, so just watch the portion size.

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  18. Ashley

    22. Jun, 2011

    Hi, I am starting the 14 days tomorrow. Today is my last day of the cleanse – I lost 5 pounds, started at 133.

    1. Is that an average loss for the 10 day?
    2. During the 14 can I make and eat turkey meatballs with garlic, parsley, pepper, etc?
    3. During the 14 do you take the omegas or only the omegas in the packets?

    Thanks so much!!!!

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      22. Jun, 2011

      @ Ashley
      Typical weight loss is 8-12 pounds on the 24 Day, so you are doing well.
      The turkey meatballs are okay without using breadcrumbs or filler or frying them.
      Add 2 Omegas at dinner, and you are all set.

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  19. Joy

    21. Jun, 2011

    I didn’t have complete instructions for the 24 day challenge..
    I took the meal replacement shake an hour after fiber drink. did I start the program incorrect?
    Also, I didn’t receive the catalyst, is this a must for me to jump start weight loss? On my first day , I took
    Fiber drink, meal replacement shake, water, spark, omega and more water.
    do you recommend lentil soup? I would sincerely appreciate your much needed help !! : )

    THANK YOU !!!!

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      22. Jun, 2011

      @ Joy
      Instructions, shopping list and meal suggestions are here
      Our team does not use the meal replacement shakes during the cleanse. We start them with the 14 Day.

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  20. CM

    21. Jun, 2011

    I’m doing the cleanse only – what’s the deal with salt? Can I add salt to any of my food, or perhaps garlic salt? So far, everything has been extremely bland, but some of the recipes on the website call for salt. I figured that part of the cleanse was to get rid of salt, but I must be wrong, am I?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      22. Jun, 2011

      @ CM
      There is not a restriction on salt, but don’t go crazy!

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  21. Lynn

    20. Jun, 2011

    I am just starting out on the 10 days part. I am a vegetarian and just started eating chicken for this diet. I am very confused though on what else I can eat. I have fruits and veggies. When it says we can have peanut butter – no sugar added and salsa. I can not find any that have no sugar. Is the natural sugar ok and just no additional?? I wish there was a better plan with more drawn out meal guides.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      22. Jun, 2011

      @ Lynn See the other comments listed here with some help for vegetarians and look at the shopping list, instructions and meal suggestions here.

      Reply to this comment
  22. Ashley

    19. Jun, 2011

    This should be my last question πŸ™‚ As I am approaching the 14 day portion. I see on the plan that a low carb wrap is an option. What type of meat can be used? I remember reading lunch meat is okay as long it isn’t pressed and something else??


    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      19. Jun, 2011

      @ Ashley Breakfast is Meal Replacement Shakes on the 14 Day. Enjoy!
      No luncheon meat. Many deli meats have fillers, nitrates, and lots of sodium. Some even have sugar. try hard boiled eggs, tuna, grilled chicken, etc. Look at our meal suggestions.

      Reply to this comment
  23. Ashley

    18. Jun, 2011

    But my breakfast will be a meal replacement shake, correct?

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  24. Ashley

    17. Jun, 2011

    Thanks for your help!! So the Thermo Plus is before lunch and dinner during the 14 day – on the instructions I have it also says spark, 3 catalyst, and 2nd MNS packet 30 min before lunch. So I take all of that and the Thermo Plus before lunch?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      18. Jun, 2011

      Thermo Plus and Catalyst half hour before breakfast and half hour before lunch. All else is correct.

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  25. Tricia

    17. Jun, 2011

    Can you take Lepti-Lean while on the Cleanse? I am starting my cleanse today and want to make sure I am not snaking in the evenings!

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      17. Jun, 2011

      My suggestion is to do the 24 Day Challenge and then add products like Leptilean. The cleanse will help you get the snacking under control.

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  26. Ashley

    16. Jun, 2011

    Can you eat crab (steamed and plain obviously) during the cleanse or the 14 day?

    Also when during the 14 day do you take the ThermoPlus?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      17. Jun, 2011

      Yes – you can eat the crab (plain as you say – without the butter).
      After the cleanse you can start taking the ThermoPlus. Take 1 capsule twice a day half hour before a meal.

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  27. Lauran

    15. Jun, 2011

    can you eat hotdogs or bratwurst while on the 10 day cleanse?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      15. Jun, 2011


      Stay away from hot dogs and bratworst during the 24 Day, as they have fillers, nitrates, and lots of sodium. Also – no beef on the cleanse.

      Reply to this comment
  28. Karin

    15. Jun, 2011

    Looking at the Menu. It says “Salad, Fruit, Veg, …..”

    Is that fruit 1 serving size? So if I was going to use blueberries, I would use 2 cups? Oh my…….

    Reply to this comment
  29. laura

    14. Jun, 2011

    can you use fresh lemon on the fish during the 10 day cleanse ? what kinds of seasoning can you use and then when you get to the last 14 days is there anything else you can have to drink besides the water and spark? thanks again for any advice

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      14. Jun, 2011

      @ Laura – lemon is fine.
      Try club soda, herbal tea, and some of the other advocare drinks like Slam and V-16! Have you tried Oasis? Do you workout? Lots of things to use for that.

      Reply to this comment
  30. Tammy

    13. Jun, 2011

    I’m just ordered the 24 day challenge. after the 10 day cleanse can i have a beer or diet coke.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      13. Jun, 2011

      You will probably not want the diet coke after you have some Spark for 24 days. πŸ™‚ Much better way to get the energy.

      Reply to this comment
  31. Alex

    13. Jun, 2011

    Hi-my fiance started the 10-day cleanse 10 days ago- I would love to see more daily meal guides- one day is just not enough when trying to keep it interesting. He had lean pork chops and a beef roast, both plain, but I am wondering if that will throw him off, as I see you suggested only chicken, fish or eggs above. Also- is he supposed to take a catalyst before EVERY meal? Is it 3 a day for all 10 days?

    Thank you!

    Reply to this comment
  32. Kristi

    13. Jun, 2011

    The grocery guide says you can have WW bread (see below):

    Complex or Starchy Carbohydrate ideas (these should be limited to once per day on the Cleanse)

    Beans/legumes – Black, black-eyed, butter, garbanzo, kidney, lentils, lima, pinto, soybeans (3/4 cup)
    Hummus (1/4 cup)
    Oatmeal – Old Fashioned rolled oats or steel-cut 1/2 cup dry)
    Peas (3/4 cup)
    Quinoa (3/4 cup)
    Rice – basmati, brown, long grain, wild (3/4 cup)
    Sweet potato or yam (1 medium)
    Whole grain bread. The best are 100% stone-ground whole wheat, high fiber crispbreads or whole –
    grain high fiber breads with at least 3 g fiber per slice. (1 slice, 5 crackers)

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      14. Jun, 2011

      That list is shopping for optimal health. If you look at the program instructions, it says to use the complex carbs if needed during the first 10 days (the cleanse), and cleanse instructions say to avoid wheat products. If you do need the carbs, use the others suggested until off the cleanse to get optimal results.

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  33. Ashley

    13. Jun, 2011

    Can you suggest a type/brand of nuts to eat during the cleanse.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      14. Jun, 2011

      You can get raw almonds packaged or in bulk depending on where you shop. Our local BJs carries a box of 100 calorie bags of raw almonds. We like these for travel and to be sure we are not overindulging.

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  34. dee

    12. Jun, 2011

    Well I have messed all up! I was told I cld have wheat bread, tortillas! Ugh…all that money down the drain! I am ob day 7 and have had wheat bread, tortillas and pasta! Is there anything u can eat?

    Reply to this comment
  35. dee

    11. Jun, 2011

    Reading back over ur comments do I not need to be eating whole wheat bread?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      12. Jun, 2011

      On the cleanse, no wheat (including bread) is allowed.

      Reply to this comment
  36. dee

    11. Jun, 2011

    Is it ok to have fat free mayo? Also, what about multigrain chips? I am looking to get the best results possible!

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      12. Jun, 2011

      Avoid chips. Try the canola may we write about elsewhere.

      Reply to this comment
  37. laura

    09. Jun, 2011

    so on the 10 day cleanse is it alright to have that spicy ginger chicken recipe and is it alright to have shrimp are you also aloud to have peanuts for snacks and almonds what else can you have for snacks if you could help me out that would be much appreciated

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      09. Jun, 2011

      Yes on the chicken and shrimp. Skip the peanuts and use raw almonds.
      Other Snack suggestions:
      hardboiled eggs
      1-1.5 TBS natural peanut butter(no sugar added) on apple slices
      sliced raw veggies with a slice of no salt added turkey

      Also, we find that a SLAM at around 4:00 really helps. We love the new Berry flavor.

      Reply to this comment
  38. allison

    08. Jun, 2011

    i drink milk everyday and im finding it hard to not drinkit. can i drink skim milk and eat fiber one ceral?

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  39. Melanie

    08. Jun, 2011

    I’ve done the cleanse before and had a hard time with the fiber drink. My sister also did it and at one point didn’t have a bottle of water for the fiber drink so she mixed it with her bottle of Vitamin Water. From my reading, it says you can mix the fiber drink with any 0 (zero) calorie drink….any points on this?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      08. Jun, 2011

      Melanie – use plain water. Mix well and drink quickly so it doesn’t get too thick.

      Reply to this comment
  40. Kerri

    08. Jun, 2011

    Regarding snacks on burn days.. Can you list a few suggestions? I’ve been having almonds for my first snack and an apple for my second on burn days , but something tells me that’s not right. Please let me know. Thank you!

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      08. Jun, 2011

      Not sure what you mean by burn days.
      Snack suggestions:
      hardboiled eggs
      raw almonds
      Muscle Gain (after the cleanse)
      1-1.5 TBS natural peanut butter(no sugar added) on apple slices
      sliced raw veggies with a slice of no salt added turkey

      Also, we find that a SLAM at around 4:00 really helps. We love the new Berry flavor.

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