Healthy Meal Plan Suggestions

Healthy Meal Plan Suggestions

Posted on 01. Aug, 2016 by in General Info

Here are some meal plan suggestions that work for the 24 Day Challenge:


  • Tuna with canola mayo, carrots, celery, cucumbers
  • Grilled chicken with steamed veggies and hummus
  • Grilled chicken salad with zero calorie dressing
  • Grilled fish and steamed veggies
  • Egg salad with mustard and a tiny amount of canola mayo on top of mixed greens
  • Leftovers from dinner πŸ™‚


What are your favorite 24 Day Challenge Meals?

* see recipe

1,137 Responses to “Healthy Meal Plan Suggestions”

  1. Mady

    07. Jun, 2011

    is it necessary to take the supplements to get success on the cleanse and 24 day challenge?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      08. Jun, 2011

      The supplements are a vital part of the program.

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  2. Chastity

    06. Jun, 2011

    Can you eat a whole wheat bagel with fat free
    Cream cheese or lean turkey during the cleanse?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      06. Jun, 2011

      @Chastity. We avoid wheat and dairy, so no bagels or cream cheese.

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  3. Kerri

    06. Jun, 2011

    Is sparkling water ok (like pelligrino)? Also, Is Tea ok? Or do you suggest only drinking water?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      06. Jun, 2011

      Kerri, Sparkling water is fine and decaf tea is okay, but enjoy your Spark and drink as much water as you can.

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  4. jenn

    31. May, 2011

    I am allergic to egg whites, any alternative?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      31. May, 2011

      Can you eat the yolks from hardboiled eggs? Also, any lean protein will do as substitution.

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  5. Lisa

    31. May, 2011

    I just started my 24-day challenge. Can I drink 1 small cup of decaf coffee? I am just missing the taste – not the caffeine. I did my fiber/spark cocktail this morning.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      31. May, 2011

      We avoid all forms of coffee during the cleanse. Trying to get body clean and prepared for losing more. πŸ™‚

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  6. Mommadynasty

    30. May, 2011

    Why do you not use the meal replacement during the cleanse? I am on day 2 and didn’t realize I was not supposed to be doing that. I have also been eating the Morning Star spicy black bean veggie burgers. boo! I hope I haven’t screwed up my progress already.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      30. May, 2011

      @Mommadynasty You should be fine. We wait to use the meal replacement shakes during the 2nd part of the 24 Day Challenge since we eliminate dairy during the cleanse.

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  7. Anna

    29. May, 2011

    Are rice cakes allowed during the cleanse phase?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      29. May, 2011

      @ Anna, Yes as afternoon snack with natural peanut butter as listed on the instructions.

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  8. Nick

    25. May, 2011

    Can I use Thermoplus and Catalyst with the 10 day cleanse? I know I can use it during the last 14 days but I wasnt sure about the cleanse.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      25. May, 2011

      Use catalyst but wait until after the cleanse for Thermoplus

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  9. Angela

    21. May, 2011

    I just ordered the 10 cleanse only. I’m just wanting to lose about 10 pounds and I’ve always wanted to find the right cleanse. Is this an ok way by just ordering the cleanse only?? I also did get the meal replacement shakes, I start them after day 10, right. Thank you for your imput.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      22. May, 2011

      @Angela You should also use Spark and Omegas on the Cleanse and for best results also use Catalyst. Our team does not use the Meal Replacement Shakes on the Cleanse. We use on the 2nd phase of the 14 Day, but you will also need more Spark and MNS. For fastest results also use Catalyst and Thermoplus.

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  10. jessica

    20. May, 2011

    I am on day 8 of the 24 day challenge and I have not lost any weight yet. Is this normal? I am getting a bit bummed out about spending this money and also I stopped nursing my baby so I could take this. Just wondered if the first 10 days will be much different than the next 14. Thanks for your help!

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      20. May, 2011

      @ Jessica That is very unusual. Use the Contact Us button to email us with what you are eating and taking and when in the day so we can see if we have suggestions to help you.

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  11. Dee

    19. May, 2011

    I just started the 10 day cleanse yesterday! I did not receive the omegas, i just ordered the 10 day cleanse, is this okay? Also, can I have peanut butter during the cleanse phase?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      20. May, 2011

      Would be good to order the Omegas and start using them. Limited all natural peanut butter is okay for snack as long as no added sugar. Use limited portion.

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  12. Dani

    18. May, 2011

    What are good options for breakfast besides eggs and fruit? how much should I work out to see these results?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      20. May, 2011

      @ Dani After the cleanse you will be using the meal replacement shakes. Eggs and fruit work best during the cleanse. Have you been exercising? If not, start with 3x per week.

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  13. PEDRO

    17. May, 2011


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  14. Kirk

    15. May, 2011

    Are scrambled eggs ok to eat during the cleanse portion?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      17. May, 2011

      Scrambled eggs are okay as long as made without butter or dairy. Use a non-stick pan with PAM if needed. Can use small amount of olive oil if necessary. Beware of restaurant prepared eggs as they will have milk, cream or milk powder, plus butter.

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  15. MLE3613

    14. May, 2011

    So glad I found this website! Just started my cleanse this morning and excited to see results. Have to say that the fiber drink was a little hard to choke down, any tricks of the trade? Or should I just slam it?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      17. May, 2011

      Slam it is right! If you let it sit, it gets too thick. Mix well and drink it quickly.

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  16. Tonia

    10. May, 2011

    Just started the cleanse today. when should i begin using the Catalyst? what about the Omegaplex?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      10. May, 2011

      Start both now. Catalyst half hour before meal and Omegas with a meal.

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  17. Alice

    05. May, 2011

    What suggestions do you have for breakfast during the cleanse other than fruit?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      05. May, 2011

      Hard boiled eggs are good with fruit, and that has been our staple until the end of the cleanse when we switch to the meal replacement shakes.

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  18. Geanan

    03. May, 2011

    Sorry to be a pain, what about lean pork? BTW thanks for all the help & info, so far so good πŸ™‚

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  19. Geanean

    02. May, 2011

    Just starting the 24 day challenge & I cant seem to find when I take the Omegaplex. Do I take it at night? Do I take it for the full 24 days? Thanks for the help.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      02. May, 2011

      Take the Omegas with a meal. We like to take ours at dinner since once you start the MNS strip pack some are included earlier. Take every day!

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  20. Weaver

    01. May, 2011

    My wife is a vegetarian and we have read that she shouldn’t eat the Morningstar and Boca products on the 10 day cleanse as they have too many additives in them. Do you have suggestions for alternatives? We bought tofu and was going to try and add it in to some meals, but we didn’t see anything but chicken, fish, and tuna throughout the website. Also, we were curious about the 14 day as we are about to start it in the upcoming days. By the way, this website is great and it has helped us out a lot. I just wish we would have found it sooner as it almost feels like we flushed money down the drain! But we’ll do the cleanse again in 3 months, we’ll just be more informed the next time. Thank you!

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  21. Deb

    01. May, 2011

    Can you use the mayo with olive oil instead of the mayo with canola?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      01. May, 2011

      Deb, Use sparingly as calorie count is twice the amount.

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  22. Nicole

    28. Apr, 2011

    Can I drink coffee on day 14-24 of the challenge?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      28. Apr, 2011

      @ Nicole
      Use Spark. It has the caffeine, but not the acidity.

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  23. Geanean Misener

    28. Apr, 2011

    On the cleanse days would Turkey Chili be okay for dinner?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      28. Apr, 2011

      Yes, but it should be a lean chili without any cheese or additional starch.

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  24. Nicole

    26. Apr, 2011

    When doing the cleanse, is the fiber drink your breakfast or do you eat something in addition to the fiber drink? If you are to eat something else, what is a good breakfast choice?

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  25. Nwall

    26. Apr, 2011

    Can I drink Selzer water during the cleanse? How bad would 1 diet coke/day be?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      26. Apr, 2011

      Seltzer water is fine. No diet coke. Use an extra Spark instead.

      Reply to this comment
  26. Jasen

    14. Apr, 2011

    Here is what I have been doing so far –
    bkfast – fiber drink , then apple or orange
    snack – apple or orange
    lunch – catalyst, chicken breast, brown rice, raw veggies
    snack – rice cake and almond butter
    dinner – catalyst, chicken or fish, more veggies

    Is that right? No noticeable energy gain and not really dropping any weight.

    I am on day 4.

    Really bloated by the end of the night.

    Just want to make sure I’m doing it right.


    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      14. Apr, 2011

      Are you taking the other supplements? Catalyst needs to be taken on empty stomach, not with a meal. When are you having Spark? Add in some hard boiled eggs for breakfast and/or the morning snack. Avoid almond butter as most of them have sugar and/or corn syrup. Natural peanut butter without sugar added is okay. Raw almonds are also good snacks in limited quantities. I would eliminate the brown rice for lunch if you are not losing. You should drink a lot of water. It sounds funny, but it will help with the bloating. How is the chicken or fish cooked. No sauces or butter on the veggies, right?
      Some people do not lose much until the end of the cleanse.

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  27. Andrea

    13. Apr, 2011

    Meagcooper – your comment is exactly what I am! That is so weird! My little girl is about to be 9 months. I have already lost 60lbs and need to lose about 25 more. I am ordering the 24 day challenge tonight and I am hoping to lose at least 12lbs!!!! I am gathering all we can really eat is salads and green veggies. chicken and other white meats, and eggs with a “few” other exceptions. Definitely will be hard to do. I lost 60 lbs on weight watchers and hit a HUGE plateau. (weight watchers was EXTREMELY easy for me because of the WIDE variety of food). This seems so limited I just hope I can stick to it. Any spices, no cheese except for part skim mozz. Low cal dressings with olive oil…Lots of water, eggs, chicken and salads. GOOD LUCK!

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      13. Apr, 2011

      Andrea and Meagcooper, The plan does work as I lost a lot more than both of you need to lose. πŸ™‚ Look at the meal suggestions and recipes. Would be glad to help you both with other ideas.

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  28. Meagcooper

    12. Apr, 2011

    Hi, I just signed up. Should get all my package Thursday and I am so pumped. My son will be one year Thursday and I have already lost 60 pounds on my own, but am having such a hard time getting rid of this last 25 or so. I love chicken, BUT I know I will be needing some variety soon. What kinds of variations to the chicken have you tried/done? What spices are acceptable? Cheese? dressings? Any suggestions?

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  29. Stephanie

    10. Apr, 2011

    Is air popped popcorn of on the 10 cleanse? I hope so because I just had some! Ugh

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      10. Apr, 2011

      A better snack is hard boiled eggs or raw almonds and you can pair with some fruit. Berries are great especially raspberries since very high fiber content.

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  30. Dawn

    09. Apr, 2011

    I am about to start my first 10 day run. I am a little nervous. I do not like pills, as I have had a bad dieting experience before with an ‘all-natural pill’. I have gained 30 pounds in the last 3 years due to quitting smoking and hysterectomy. I do not want to do the full 24 day challenge (for now). If the 10 day works for me, how often can I repeat this?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      09. Apr, 2011

      You can do the Herbal cleanse every 90 days. you will actually enjoy the 14 day (2nd part of the 24 day) more! I have had great success sticking to that to get all of my weight off, and I had a lot more to lose than you. πŸ™‚

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  31. Sarah

    06. Apr, 2011

    On my instructions page, it does not say I can have Spark in the morning on days 8-10. Is this a misprint? Is it okay to still wake up and have my Catalyst and Spark on days 8-10?

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  32. Kris

    04. Apr, 2011

    Healthy Girl–
    I am on day 5 . . . . and have lost 6 pounds already. I don’t feel it in my clothes anywhere –but it must be from somewhere!

    I am really sticking to the plan . . . but I have to say, I can’t look at another salad (and I like them!). I have had one, if not two a day for 5 days and it’s just too much. But I struggle with what else to do (esp. for lunch).

    On the info sheet, it says that if you are still hungry to eat more of the recommended foods. Does that mean I can have extra fruit during the day? For example, is it okay to grab a handful of grapes in the middle of the afternoon. I’ve already had a snack of rice cake with the ground peanut spread (which by the way–was a nice surprise. The whole family loves it. I thought they would balk about the lack of sugar). Somewhere else I read you should eat the fruit with protein.


    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      04. Apr, 2011

      Wow Kris – that is a fantastic loss! Be sure to eat protein with fruit. The more fibrous fruit the better – berries are perfect. Try raw, unsalted almonds, hard boiled eggs, grilled chicken.
      3 meals and 2-3 snacks is best. try some of the vegetable recipes on the site for variety.

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  33. Sarah

    03. Apr, 2011

    Can you have protein bars during the 24 day challenge?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      03. Apr, 2011

      @ Sarah,
      You should avoid. After the 24 Day if you plan to stay on the 14 Day MNS plan, you can use the meal replacement and other bars. My favorites are Meal Replacement, Fruit and Fiber, and Snack Bars.
      They have a good balance of carbs and protein, and taste great.

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  34. angie

    02. Apr, 2011

    When purchasing the 10 day cleanse do i have to buy the spark drink? Im really not into it id rather drink water. So can i skip the spark?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      02. Apr, 2011

      You may want to try the Spark. It helps with energy! If you are trying to avoid the caffeine, there is another product we can substitute. Here is the link Let me know if you want more info.

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  35. Kris

    31. Mar, 2011

    One of the recipes mentions canola mayo . . . I’ve not heard of it before. How different from regular mayo? I am wondering if it might help with the salad I just made with tuna. It was a little . . . lacking! πŸ™‚

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      02. Apr, 2011

      Canola mayo is half the calories and less fat. Add some to your tuna or egg salad. We like to mix with Dijionaise mustard.

      Reply to this comment
  36. Tania

    29. Mar, 2011

    im doing the 24 day challenge what can i eat days 11- 24 im tired of boiled eggs and chicken

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  37. Heather

    28. Feb, 2011

    can I eat applesauce?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      03. Mar, 2011

      If you make applesauce with no sugar would be okay, but better to just eat the raw fruit.

      Reply to this comment
  38. suebee

    25. Feb, 2011

    Today is my first day on the challenge.
    I can’t find my coach. I just want to make sure I’m doing okay.
    I didnt have breakfast.
    I had my fiber drink with lunch which included:
    an organic groundbeef patty… no bread
    steamed broccoli
    salad with: 1bsp Olive oil balsamic vinagrette.
    I was planning to have grass fed/organic steak for dinner with veggies… but is that too much beef?
    what about iced tea?

    Reply to this comment
  39. abbey

    21. Feb, 2011

    Can you eat hummus on the 24 day challenge? i too am die hard to this diet, but… i am getting bored with my food. need a little more flavor. Going to get some spike seasoning today hopefully that will help!

    Reply to this comment
  40. ams

    10. Feb, 2011

    Hi Im about to start the 24 day challenge tomorrow.. Im 5’2 150 lbs Im trying to lose the 20 lbs Ive gained this past year.. But Im curious, this product was a little pricey.. but how much should I expect to lose??

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      13. Feb, 2011

      Some of the products replace things you would normally be buying. All people react differently, but probably between 5 and 12 pounds. Send an email through the contact us link if you would like to discuss in more detail.

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