Healthy Meal Plan Suggestions

Healthy Meal Plan Suggestions

Posted on 01. Aug, 2016 by in General Info

Here are some meal plan suggestions that work for the 24 Day Challenge:


  • Tuna with canola mayo, carrots, celery, cucumbers
  • Grilled chicken with steamed veggies and hummus
  • Grilled chicken salad with zero calorie dressing
  • Grilled fish and steamed veggies
  • Egg salad with mustard and a tiny amount of canola mayo on top of mixed greens
  • Leftovers from dinner 🙂


What are your favorite 24 Day Challenge Meals?

* see recipe

1,137 Responses to “Healthy Meal Plan Suggestions”

  1. Heather

    08. Feb, 2011

    I like your meal suggestions while on the 24 day challenge.. but I don’t eat seafood of any sort. Can you email me a list of foods that would be great to eat besides seafood.

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  2. Kellie

    30. Jan, 2011

    I was wondering about beans and lentels on this 24 day challenge. Is it ok? Needing some different ideas. Getting very bored and a little depressed. Staying to the meal plan like a champ, just wish there was a little more filling things on here. Thanks..I am actually on my 2 free days tomorrow and the next. Kinda scared that I will have bathroom issues if I go off the plan. I have lost 14 lbs and 12 inches so far and don’t want to mess this up by eating my old food.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      30. Jan, 2011

      You can have beans or lentils in moderation with a meal. 14 pounds is awesome – great job. Try to stay with the plan. Look for great fruit and veggies and try some of the recipes here for variety.

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  3. Deb Konopasek

    09. Jan, 2011

    Can you have potatoes backed in the oven with a little olive oil and salt/pepper during the cleanse?? I dislike sweet potatoes so Im stuck?? Baked Potato??

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    • Healthy Girl

      09. Jan, 2011

      No potatoes, but try the roasted squash recipes. They are great and very satisfying.

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  4. Enrique

    08. Jan, 2011

    I feel so thin ater only 5 of 10 days of this cleanse. I’ve lost 10 lbs! The headache’s and hunger pain’s have gone away! Thanks for the meal plans and I do incorporate one chocolate meal replacement shake a day. Can’t wait to weigh in tomorrow!

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  5. Angie

    03. Jan, 2011

    I am on the 10 day cleanse right now. Can I drink diet caffeine free drinks? Also, what would be a good tea to drink and what type of sweetener? Thanks for your help!

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      09. Jan, 2011

      Angie, No diet drink. Herbal tea is allowed. Try Stash licorice tea – very sweet, so needs no sweetener.

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  6. Rachel

    09. Nov, 2010

    I’m glad that there is some meal suggestions while on the cleanse… but I’m still questioning what I can eat.. Could you maybe email me some sort of list of food I can eat? Thanks for the help.

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  7. Meghan

    15. Oct, 2010

    I have found conflicting information on the website and in my materials included with my cleanse. Some websites say to take the Fiber Drink first thing in the morning with Spark and then wait 30 minutes and have the meal replacement shake. Is this correct? I am just wondering because I have read other materials that say you take Spark and the Meal Replacement shake first then the fiber drink 30 minutes later….please clarify! Thanks!

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      15. Oct, 2010

      Our team does not use the meal replacement shakes during the cleanse (other teams do). Best to check with your coach (sponsor). thx

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  8. Amanda

    10. Oct, 2010

    Can these meal suggestions be used for the 10 day cleanse? im confused on what we are able to eat for the first 10 days….

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      15. Oct, 2010

      Amanda, All the meal suggestions are perfect for the 24 Day Program including the cleanse.

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  9. Amanda

    06. Oct, 2010

    I have very little info on the challenge and im starting tomorrow….just reading a few of these posts im now very confused on what i am supposed to be doing the first 10 days….please help!

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  10. Erica

    27. Sep, 2010

    I have started the 10 day cleanse this morning. It says you can’t drink coffee, but what about tea? And if tea is possible, does it have to be caffeine free? Also, can I add the Crystal Light packets to water?

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  11. Jacy

    26. Sep, 2010

    im starting the cleanse tmrw. what is good for breakfast and what if i dont have catalyst ? will tht effect my results?

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  12. Holly

    20. Sep, 2010

    I just started the 10 day cleanse, Can I have ground Turkey meat, and wheat tort. if they are made with wheat flour. Also its really hard for me to drink the meal replacement shakes do you suggest anything else I can replace it with. And since fruit as a natural sugar should I watch how much I eat?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      20. Sep, 2010

      The shakes are not for the cleanse, they are thr the 14 days after the cleanse.
      Ground turkey is fine as long as no fillers.
      Hard boiled eggs and fruit are great for breakfast/ Stick to the fruit like melon, apples, berries, peaches and plums, and don’t overdo it.

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  13. Kristen

    16. Sep, 2010

    Do you eat the same through out the 24 day challenge? Also it says no bread, but you can have rice. Can you have pasta and potatoes?

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  14. Barbara

    06. Sep, 2010

    Hi there, I’m starting the 10 day cleanse tomorrow and I wasn’t told about the Omega Plex. Just the Catalyst. Will this keep me from getting results? Thanks!!!

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  15. Tom

    11. Aug, 2010

    Hi there. I’m on day 2 of my cleanse. I didn’t order the muscle gain and was wondering if there was something I can get from a nutrition or vitamin store that I can take? Thank you.

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  16. Healthy Girl

    09. Aug, 2010

    There is caffeine in the Spark. No coffee during the cleanse. I just use Spark instead even after the cleanse. Better mental focus for 3-5 hours and no spikes or acidity. Haven’t had coffee since I started in October, and I used to be a coffeeholic. Don’t miss it a bit. LOVE Spark,especially the Pink Lemonade.

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  17. Jim

    09. Aug, 2010

    Thanks for the quick response. My step-daughter would like to know about using caffeine (coffee, black) and using splenda?

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  18. Jim

    08. Aug, 2010

    I’m on Day 8 of the cleanse, and started reviewing the directions for using the 14 day max pack. One question is the 30 grams of carbs per meal/snack does that include furit and veggie carbs? Is whole wheat bread or other items allowed? Also my step-daughter put together an excellent menu for the 10 day cleanse is there any where to post this or send to you for review for posting since there is little information out there?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      08. Aug, 2010

      That does include fruit and veggies. You can send to me at info AT advocaretips .com

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  19. Karen

    08. Aug, 2010

    I am just starting my first cleanse, I sure hope I can stick to it. Not sure about just eating chicken for the next 10 days. So I should or need to stay away from stuff that has sugar in it? How about snacks during the day?

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  20. Rusty

    07. Aug, 2010

    I am finishing my first 10 day cleanse and havent lost one pound. i am wondering if I am doing something wrong? My husband has lost 3 pounds but not me. I dont want to get discouraged but cant help it.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      08. Aug, 2010

      What are you eating and what types of Advo products do you use and when?

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  21. Meg

    04. Aug, 2010

    Hi! I am starting the 24 day challenge this Friday and have 2 weddings this month. Resisiting food wont be a problem, I am more worried about alcohol. What is my best option? Will consuming any alcohol ruin the 24 day challenge? What is the best alcoholic beverage to drink?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      08. Aug, 2010

      If you have to partake, don’t go for anything with mixer that has sugar in it. It is best to avoid.

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  22. Sissy

    30. Jul, 2010

    can i eat ezekiel bread during the 10 days of cleansin…I am on day 6.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      30. Jul, 2010

      Some of the products may be okay, but I have always steered clear and followed the cleanse (Phase 1) as written. The products do not all have the same ingredients.

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  23. Rosalita

    09. Jul, 2010

    Are any sort of veggie burgers ok for the challenge? What about veggie chicken patties?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      09. Jul, 2010

      No veggie burgers during the cleanse. You have to be careful about the ingredients, carb count, and sodium. We only use Morningstar Grillers Prime, and usually stick to fish, chicken, and eggs during the 24 day.

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  24. Healthy Girl

    05. Jul, 2010

    Be sure to print out the instructions for the cleanse and then the 2nd phase of the 24 Day program. You will be amazed at how you feel when you are eating clean and eating healthy carbs. Look at the instructions re: carbs on the green and purple sheet and feel free to email if you have more questions:
    info AT

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  25. Renee

    27. Jun, 2010

    I’m starting the 10 day cleanse to morrow. I’m s carb fanatic!! This programs sorta scares me that I might not be eating enough. I’m terrible with eating veggies. I looked over the grocery list you posted- we have had a busy weekend so I’m headed to the store 1st thing in the AM!!! Do you have any recommendations during the cleanse? I understand no bread or dairy- is that correct? Should I be restricting carbs- like only having less than a certain grams? Thanks for ur help

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  26. Josh

    20. Jun, 2010

    Started the 24 day challenge yesterday and I was just wondering if you could email me some meal ideas, and also the workout regiments??

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      05. Jul, 2010

      Hey Josh, Look at the meal ideas, program guides and other suggestion here:

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  27. Amy

    18. Jun, 2010

    Just going to start the 24 day challenge, however I am vegetarian. What do I eat? I eat dairy but no meat, fish, chicken etc, thanks for the help.

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  28. Stephanie

    09. Jun, 2010

    I am worried that I did not order all the supplies tht I needed to get started on the 24 day challenge. I ordered the spark, omegaplex, and herbal cleanse. However, I do not usually eat that much during the day with snacks in between meals,is this necessary? what are the typical results that people loss while on this program? I am 5’3 and weigh 182, I also do not have any health problem or take any medicine on a regular basis at 39 years old. I have been doing the MMS3 program for the last month and had lost about 12 #s but have gained 6 back…please offer advise if you can. I really want to lose at least 50+ #s by the time I reach 40yo in january!

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      09. Jun, 2010

      Hi Stephanie,
      Would be glad to help. Have lost 55 pounds since October! Will email you.

      Reply to this comment
  29. Marisa

    20. May, 2010

    I started my 10 day cleanse today and I am very nervous that I am doing it wrong.

    First thing this morning I took the Spark with the Catalyst. Then I did the Fiber Drink when I got to work. I later had three boiled eggs and some berries as a mid morning snack. For lunch I had a salad with baby spinach, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, boiled chicken breast strips, shredded carrot and a boiled egg with balsamic dressing (home made). I also had a few slices of orange with my lunch. AND LOTS OF WATER. Am I on the right track?? For dinner I’ll have some boiled chicken and steamed asparagus.

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  30. Shae Wortham

    17. May, 2010

    Wow I started the 24 day challenge this morning and was so nervous about the food because it all sounded so bland so I am so grateful that I found your website! Thanks so much! I will post my results!

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  31. Healthy Girl

    15. May, 2010

    Hi Dayna, Sent you an email.

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  32. dayna

    10. May, 2010

    I, by mistake, took the probiotic restore with the fiber drink on the first day of the cleanse. Will that effect my results?

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  33. Healthy Girl

    07. Mar, 2010

    @Nomar These meals are fine for the cleanse.

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  34. Nomar

    07. Mar, 2010

    SO..with the plan I was sent, I am wondering if these meals are “ok” to have during the 10 day cleanse.

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  35. Dan

    17. Feb, 2010

    I’m starting the 24 day challenge tomorrow, and I’m looking for some ideas as to what nuts and seeds to get for snacking. Also, how much of these should I eat?

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    • Healthy Girl

      17. Feb, 2010

      We use roasted unsalted almonds. Raw almonds are also good. 2 ounces (about 24) is a good portion size.

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  36. Healthy Girl

    11. Feb, 2010

    Good luck Vanessa. Let us know if you have any questions.

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  37. Vanessa

    11. Feb, 2010

    I am starting the 24 day challenge today and am so thankful that I found your website. Not only is it very helpful it is so well done, attractive and user friendly. Thank you so much. Hopefully with your help I can be as successful as some of those on your site!! Thanks again and if I create some lovely delicious dish I will share!

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  38. […] some Meal Suggestions and […]

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  39. Healthy Girl

    29. Oct, 2009

    Please be sure to submit any recipe or menu ideas via the contact page.

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  40. […] meal suggestions will help you.  Be sure to add your own […]

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