Top Ten Holiday Survival Tips
Posted on 13. Dec, 2014 by Healthy Girl in Best Secrets
The holidays can be challenging for someone trying to stay focused on an clean eating plan. It seems that tempting food is everywhere and there are many activities that all seem food (and alcohol) related. Here is a list of our Top Ten Holiday Survival tips. This should help you get through the holidays without weight gain. Of course, if you are on the Cleanse, some of these tips will not be appropriate.
- Eat as clean as possible (eggs and fruit for breakfast, salad with lean protein for lunch, lean protein and veggies for dinner). Limit yourself to under 100 carbs per day. This will help balance out any event eating that is not as clean.
- Try to eat on plan 80-90% of the time.
- Eat a substantial snack before going to a party or activity. The best you can do is to pair a good protein like a couple of slices of turkey or chicken with some raw veggies. Hard boiled eggs are also good. You don’t want to arrive starving, which can lead to bad food choices.
- Offer to bring a dish to share (if appropriate). Good choices would be Chicken Ratatouille, Ginger Chicken, platter of vegetables and hummus, fruit tray, platter of roasted veggies.
- If you are having a party, roast or grill a large piece of salmon (Sam’s Club or Costco are good places to shop for this at a more reasonable cost). Our grilled salmon recipe is always a party pleaser. Serve pitchers of iced Spark.
- Get lots of exercise. Will make you feel better and remind you about being healthy.
- Don’t wear elastic waist pants. 🙂
- Drink lots of water.
- Get sleep! It is too easy to stay up late getting everything done. This doesn’t help your resolve in the morning.
- Be sure to have fresh and attractive fruits an vegetables visable to you on the counter or front of the fridge to help remind you to stay focused on healthy eating.
Happy Holidays to you all!