Eating Out On Advocare 24 Day – Tip 1
Posted on 24. Aug, 2010 by Healthy Girl in General Info, Recipes, Recipes & Food
I have lots of tips for success when eating out during the 24 Day Challenge. Today I reveal my favorite meal for eating out in a restaurant during the cleanse or the balance of the 24 Day Challenge. This works in many restaurants.
Order grilled salmon (or other fish) with no starch and a double order of veggies. You can add fresh fruit (naked) for dessert if desired. Here is how I order it. I ask to have the salmon grilled with no oil, butter or sauce (the natural omegas in salmon keep it plenty moist, and I don’t want to risk them drowning the fish in oil or even worse, butter). I ask to have my veggies steamed with no butter or oil or sauce. That way you get fresher veggies that have not been sitting in oil in a saute pan.
As easy as this sounds, I was only having 60% chance of getting what I really wanted until I adopted the following strategy. I tell the waitperson ahead of time that “I apologize that I am going to be difficult”, or that “I have have food restrictions”, and say I hope he/she can help me out. This has really helped improve the chances of getting it right, except when the waitress asked me what “steamed” was. Yikes – no help there! When I asked her to check after she said there were none, I did actually did get the order. She pushed a bowl of veggies at me and said ” your steamed veggies, ha!”
Remember, it is your choice what you put in your body. You don’t have to eat things that you don’t want while you are tying so hard to achieve success and be healthy.
05. Dec, 2014
Grilling a piece of fish without oil is never a good idea, you even mention using oil in another article when you grill salmon at home https://advotips.com/best-grilled-fish-advocare/.
As a chef, anytime one of my servers tells me their customer wants a piece of fish grilled with no oil, I never do it, and make sure the customer knows.
For your “steamed” veggies, most likely this is simply a bag of veggies in a plastic cooking bag that is microwaved.
04. Dec, 2014
is this recipe okay to eat on the cleanse portion of the challenge? http://www.pinterest.com/pin/209698926371940108/
Healthy Girl
02. Jan, 2015
@ Lindsey,
You need more veggies and protein. You can have half cup cooked quinoa. No cheese.
31. Mar, 2014
Day 1 of cleanse went great. Woke up next day and threw up with severe headache. Not sure if it was cleanse or just a migraine. I want to continue. Do I start with day 3 or continue on day 2?
Healthy Girl
01. Apr, 2014
@ Chris,
Continue on day 3
03. Feb, 2014
Can you eat sushi on the cleanse?
Healthy Girl
12. Feb, 2014
@ Kristina,
Sashimi (no rice) is okay, but no sauces.
02. Feb, 2014
can you use A1 Steak sauce on advocare. I like to put a little on my potato for flavoring. I also bake my asparagus in a little olive oil…is that acceptable?
Healthy Girl
12. Feb, 2014
2 Chris,
No A-1, no potato. Very small amount of olive oil only.
Eating Out on Advocare Tip #3 | Advocare Tips
01. Feb, 2014
[…] additional help on eating out in restaurants, see Tip #1 and Tip […]
09. Oct, 2013
Are the meal replacement shakes okay to have during the cleanse, there’s so many different opinions and its confusing and I really dot want to get it messed up or to whee I don’t get the best results, I’m on day 3
Healthy Girl
12. Oct, 2013
@ Anna,
Some groups do use them, but our group eliminates dairy (and thus the meal replacement shakes) during the cleanse.
26. Sep, 2013
Are breads such as Ezekiel and Udi’s appropriate for the cleanse?
Healthy Girl
12. Oct, 2013
@ Ruthie,
For best results, eliminate any bread during the cleanse.
20. Feb, 2013
I purchased the 24 day challenge and I got catalyst instead of the omega plex is that a problem? every day it shows you should be taking the omegaplex and the catalyst says to take 10-15 mins before exercise or bewtween meals so confused?
Healthy Girl
25. Feb, 2013
@ Cheryl,
You should be using both products.
28. Jan, 2013
I’m having a hard time with this program because I am a vegetarian. Any suggestions on simple proteins for me?
Healthy Girl
04. Feb, 2013
@ Shan,
This might help.
23. Sep, 2012
Why do you have to wait a half hour after taking spark to eat? I don’t know if you HAVE to do it that way, but my scheduled instructions lead me to believe this is so, so I’m wondering why?
Healthy Girl
26. Sep, 2012
@ Kathleen,
Depending on the phase, you are waiting a half hour after taking the cleanse or your MNS pills. Nothing to do with Spark, but it is best to use upon rising.
25. Jun, 2012
What Places are better to eat at??
Healthy Girl
27. Jun, 2012
@ Penny,
Some of the chains are not the best, since we have heard stories of sugar being added to all vegetables! A local restaurant that you trust to cook your food the way you order per this post is our suggestion.
20. May, 2012
I am on day 3 of the 10 day cleanse and my advisor has me taking a meal replacement shake in the a.m. for breakfast. The schedule is 3 catalyst and a spark, wait 30 minutes and then take Fiber drink and a meal replacement shake. Is this correct? I find myself frustrated with the variety of plans I have come across for the 10 day cleanse. This is not a cheap program nor is it easy. I really want to be following it to a T to get the best results possible.
Healthy Girl
20. May, 2012
@ Mercedes,
Some teams do use the meal replacement shakes during the cleanse. Our team does not. Here are the instructions and some checklists that will help you out. https://advotips.com/grocery-guide/
01. Feb, 2013
I completely agree. How do we know what to follow? I want to do the right thing.
And, I ordered the plan, but have no advisor. How do I get an advisor? I am planning on starting on Monday.
Healthy Girl
04. Feb, 2013
@ Aimee,
Here are the instructions. Contact the distributor you purchased the program from.
20. May, 2012
can I have subway tuna sandwich for lunch with phase 2 of 24 day challange?
Healthy Girl
20. May, 2012
@ Krysti,
That would not be a good choice to make. Very high in fat, carbs and sodium – not on plan.
20. May, 2012
Why no coffee????
Healthy Girl
20. May, 2012
@ Jan,
See the FAQs.
13. May, 2012
Going to Mexican food for lunch with my family (day 5)does anyone have and suggestions on what to get?
Healthy Girl
14. May, 2012
@ Stefanie,
Mexican food is tough on the cleanse. Skip any tortilla, rice, etc. and have a bowl of chicken as plain as you can get, small amount (1/2 cup) plain beans, lettuce and salsa. Skip the guacamole and sour cream.
30. Apr, 2012
What if I messed up and drank meal replacement shakes first 5 days..do I need to start over?
Healthy Girl
03. May, 2012
@JP – just continue on.
14. Apr, 2012
I am currently on day 6 and have been following the menu 100%, however, the meals I have been eating are starting to get old. I have had grilled chicken every night for dinner. Is there any type of meal that you can make in a crock pot or soup that is ok such as Pot roast (just eating the veggies) or a vegetable soup that I am able to eat? Also is steak only allowed during days 14-24 or is it available to eat during the cleanse as well?
Healthy Girl
16. Apr, 2012
@ Lindsey,
Check this post
Healthy Girl
17. Apr, 2012
@ Lindsey,
View our meal suggestions and the instructions, and grocery guide.
12. Apr, 2012
On 2nd day of cleanse. My first day was a littly rocky b/c I didn’t have complete instructions. Just printed out “10 day Cleanse checklist”. I am not taking the Catalyst capsules. What is the order of taking Spark and Fiber drink? When I wake up I have been drinking Fiber drink then 30 min later having a fruit and drinking Spark. Will this work?
Healthy Girl
12. Apr, 2012
Catalyst is fine during the cleanse. The instructions and checklists tells you what to take and when/