Roasted Butternut Squash
Posted on 31. Oct, 2009 by Healthy Girl in Recipes
2-3 cups cleaned and cut butternut squash
Pam Spray (olive oil flavor)
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
Crushed dried rosemary
Garlic powder
Preheat oven to 450°.
Remove the skin and clean the squash. Cut in 1/2 – 3/4″peices.
Spray a glass baking dish with Pam. Put the squash, 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil, salt and pepper, garlic powder and rosemary in pan. Toss to coat the squash, then arrange in single layer. Bake at 450° for 30 minutes. This is great served with a steamed vegetable and some lean protein. The dinner below has a 3 ounce tilapia filet and steamed broccoli in addition to the butternut squash.
5 Tips for Advocare Success | Advocare Tips
01. Apr, 2014
[…] most attractive vegetables. Experiment and try some new choices. Have you tried parsnips? Butternut squash? Delicata […]
24 Day Challenge Here I Come! | Totally Transformed
21. Feb, 2013
[…] Baked tilapia with steamed veggies and half cup roasted butternut squash or half sweet potato […]
02. Nov, 2012
Can you eat spagetti squash on the cleanse?
Healthy Girl
03. Nov, 2012
@ Terri.
You can, but steam or bake without sauce or butter.
Angela England
16. Mar, 2012
Made this last night. Eliminated the rosemary because I did not have it on hand, but it was still great. my favorite veggie so far. I had never had butternut squash at all. Tastes alot like Yams. Highly Recommend.
Meal Suggestions | Advocare Tips
22. Nov, 2009
[…] tilapia* with steamed veggies and half cup roasted butternut squash* or half sweet potato […]