Advocare 24 Day While Traveling
Posted on 24. Oct, 2010 by Healthy Girl in General Info
As a frequent traveler (both road and air), I have developed many tricks to be sure that I don’t negatively impact my Advocare routine, and I can do the entire 24 day Program while traveling. To be honest, I am pretty much on the 14 Day Plan permanently!
The biggest thing I can tell you is to plan. Winston Churchill said “Failure to plan is planning to fail” and that is soooo true! I can never be sure that I will be able to get the food that I need, so I always have supplies with me that allow me to get through any situation.
If you look in my suitcase, you will find a shaker bottle (Advocare, of course), meal replacement shakes, packages of muscle gain, Spark, SLAM, meal replacement bars, fruit and fiber bars . Also, MNS packs, Catalyst, Thermo Plus, Probiotic Restore, and Omega Plex. You will see lots of the 100 calorie bags of raw almonds (unsalted) that you can buy in a big green box at BJs, and some fresh fruit.
You will find a smaller stash of some of the above in my carry on bag. Airports are one of the worst places to eat. Be careful because the SLAM has to be with your liquids for going through security.
In restaurants, you can always ask for hard boiled eggs and fresh fruit, grilled chicken and fish without sauces, steamed veggies without butter. Don’t rely on the menu alone. Be sure to ask for what you need, and don’t be intimidated. It is your health!
If I am traveling by car, I frequently pack a cooler with everything I need. I try to get a fridge at the hotel, so I can keep cold water, fruit and other food.
Do you have any tricks to share with us?
Sidenote: On the cleanse, no bars or meal replacement shakes. 🙂
25. Sep, 2014
are you able to travel with an unopened canister of spark?
Healthy Girl
07. Jan, 2015
@ Stacey,
Should not be a problem as long as you haven’t mixed it with water.
31. Jul, 2011
My husband and I are going to El Salvador soon. We ordered the 10 day cleanse to do before we left, and it didn’t come in time. Now if start the cleanse when it comes on Monday we would finish it after 3 days in El Salvador. We are going there on a mission trip and I was wondering if you have advice for us. We are already eating like we are supposed to, but what should we do? Please help!
Healthy Girl
31. Jul, 2011
@April. Are you saying you would do part before you go and part after? Should be done 10 days in a row.
03. Aug, 2011
I was in El Salvador recently. Here is the best advice I can give you while doing the cleanse.
1. Find the local market for fruits and chicken
2. Bring Bi Carbonate with you. You can wash all your veggies in it and it will keep them clean and disease free.
3. There are always lots of beans you can find. So find black beans and use for protein. You can also use the bicarbonate to speed up the process of de-shelling your beans as you will most likely get them whole.
If you are in the capitol there are PLENTY of grocery stores there. I think Walmart (boo) has a chain down there under a different name.
Hopefully that helps! No matter what you should totally do the cleanse I just finished it and LOVE the way I feel and look!
Healthy Girl
03. Aug, 2011
Hi Holly,
Thanks for the travel tips. Hopefully April will be able to take advantage!
09. May, 2011
I sent my mom home with a bag full of AdvoCare. She forgot about it and bought a salad with grilled chicken ($6.95) and a protein smoothie ($4.95) at the airport while she waited. She called me so excited about the healthy choices she made, that she realized when I told her that she could have had a Spark ($1.64) & Meal Replacement Shake ($2.95) and that would have filled her up and nutritionally supported her possibly better, she almost kicked herself! She now knows better and will always have her AdvoCare within reach!