Tricks of the Trade: Food Idea #2
Posted on 29. Mar, 2017 by Healthy Girl in Food Finds
In this series, we are sharing some of our Tricks of the the Trade after doing Advocare for so long. Some of these are new, and we will also share some oldies, so perhaps these will help give you some new food ideas. We will also try to include purchasing information for some of our food finds, and we have our favorite $1.99 secret weapon revealed today!
Fresh veggies are best, but not always convenient. You can find great frozen opportunities that don’t have additives. This is our all time favorite time saver. Trader Joe’s Organic Riced Cauliflower. All the fuss and muss is taken out of this (unless you enjoy cleaning the cauliflower and then grating or food processing). You just take it out of the freezer and put in no-stick pan. Heat on medium until the water evaporates, and then season or use in a favorite recipe. I have fooled friends and family into thinking they are having a rice dish when it is actually a healthy, low carb vegetable. We will share some recipes using this in the upcoming weeks.
Spoiler: Trader Joe’s frequently runs out of this, so if you see it there, get lots!
Check out all of our Tricks of the Trade.