Tricks of the Trade: Advocare Food Idea #1
Posted on 23. Feb, 2016 by Healthy Girl in Best Secrets, Food Finds, Recipes
We have a new series that we will be sharing over the next few weeks, so be sure you are tuning in. The ideas is to share some of our Tricks of the the Trade after doing Advocare for so long. Some of these are new and we will also share some oldies, so perhaps these will help give you some new food ideas. We will also try to include purchasing information for some of our food finds, and we have our favorite $1.99 secret weapon coming up in a few days.
We are always looking for an easy protein to add to our arsenal. This idea is so easy and you will be surprised you never thought of it yourself.
Tah dah….. TunaCado
Start with your favorite tuna (drained). Be sure you are using tuna in water. We find the dry packs are the easiest, and were thrilled to see the 6.4 oz. Albacore with a BOGO (buy one~ get one free) offer at Publix a couple of weeks ago. We also like the single serve packs that are low sodium.
Using a fork, mash your tuna with a half or whole avocado (depending on the amount tuna). Season with a little salt and pepper.
Serving suggestion: This tastes great with grape tomatoes. Just add a steamed veggie to go along, or serve on some romaine. And there you have it ~ good tasting tuna salad with a healthy fat and no mayo.