In Love With the Boy
Posted on 20. Feb, 2010 by Healthy Girl in Food Finds
Soy Boy, that is! Soy Boy tofu comes in other flavors, but Tofu Lin is my favorite (baked with Asian spices). Half a package (4 ounces) is 200 calories and 20 grams of protein, and it is very tasty! Try it for a fast lunch on the go with fruit or veggies.
Advocare Lunch Ideas | Advocare Tips
29. Apr, 2012
[…] ounces of Tofu Lin cut into chunks in a large salad with mixed […]
19. Sep, 2011
Can you please tell me where to get “soy boy?”
Healthy Girl
19. Sep, 2011
@ Barb, We find it at our Wegmans supermarket in the refrigerator case in the health food area. You can request it at your supermarket if they don’t have it.
02. Mar, 2011
Is plain Tofu, carefully prepared acceptable i.e. “my fake egg salad”
are Bocca Burgers acceptable o the 24 day Challenge as well?
Healthy Girl
03. Mar, 2011
Tofu is okay, but do not add something that is not allowable in the preparation. Bocca burgers contain other ingredients that should be avoided at this time. Stick to lean proteins like fish, chicken, turkey, eggs.