Oops – I Went Off Plan

Oops – I Went Off Plan

Posted on 12. Jul, 2017 by in Best Secrets, Recipes

Perhaps the biggest question we get from the Contact Us form has to do with making a mistake or making a poor food choice.  Here are the 2 most common:

1) I ate “bad stuff” or “the wrong things”

2) I went out drinking with friends. What can I do?

The answer is the same for both.  Get back on plan immediately, and don’t look back.  Go forward “on plan” and eat correctly.

As long as you are “on plan” 90% of the time, you should do fine.

Spark it up to gain energy and stay hydrated as you get back on plan.

Thought I would share a little “secret recipe” that has really worked for me.

If I need to jump start myself back in gear after a “hiccup”, here is what I do.  This is just my personal method, but it has had great results.  I have a meal that is very high in fiber and nutrients.  I try to have something very colorful that has the freshest and best looking veggies and fruit.  Here is a meal I had a few days ago that follows this pattern.  Two fresh hard boiled jumbo eggs (still warm with fresh cracked pepper), steamed asparagus (natural diuretic), small amount of steamed broccoli, baby cukes, yellow pepper, orange cherry tomatoes.  Bowl of beautiful raspberries and blackberries (most fibrous fruit).  You can vary the fruits and veggies, and you can substitute with PLAIN grilled chicken or turkey.  I think you can see the pattern here.

Let us know if you try this and if it works for you.  Take a photo or describe what you had.



119 Responses to “Oops – I Went Off Plan”

  1. Santana

    20. Aug, 2013

    Hi! I forgot to take my 30 min before lunch packet…do I take this 30 min before dinner or would that keep me awake during the night??

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      04. Sep, 2013

      @ Santana,
      You can do that, and you can also remove the BioTherm capsules and just take the calcium.

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  2. RT

    15. Aug, 2013

    I took mns packs on the first three days of the herbal cleanse and then found out that I wasn’t suppose to take the mns packs until after the 10th day…did this mess up my cleansing process?

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  3. Hungry Girl

    11. Aug, 2013

    I did the 24 day challenge, I lost 10lbs. I still want soda bread cheese. HELP! Can I use the soda stream

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  4. Amanda

    18. Jul, 2013

    Quick question – Im on Day 8 and I forgot to take my Catalyst 30 minutes before lunch. I also forgot to bring my carb for lunch – SO should I take the three Catlyst 30 minutes before dinner and have my carb with dinner? Or should I just skip both?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      22. Jul, 2013

      @ Amanda,
      You can take Catalyst on empty stomach before any meal.
      Many people do the Challenge with only 1 added carb per day.

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  5. Amber

    15. Jul, 2013

    Another question of falling off the wagon. I had a pretty hard time with the cleanse – its not the program (emotional stress tossed me off). I did not adhere to it 90%. Im starting day 11 tomorrow (stress gone ready to hit it hard) Because of my screw up on the 10 day, will it have a significant effect on the amount of weight/inches I will lose (following the next phase to a) from day 11-24?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      22. Jul, 2013

      @ Amber,
      Be strong and do a super clean Phase 2!

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    • lindsay

      05. Aug, 2013

      i kind of had the same sort of deal. didnt stick to the meal plan 90%. how did you end up?

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  6. Laura S

    12. Jul, 2013

    How important is it to have the fiber? I can’t stomach the stuff even mixing it with juice. Can i just get a fiber pill over the counter and take that in replace of the fiber drink?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      12. Oct, 2013

      The fiber drink is important. No juice on this plan. Read this.

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  7. Leslie

    08. Jul, 2013

    I was on day 6 of my 24 day Challenge when I decided to take a get a way trip w my kids… Thought I would attenpt to stay ” on” the challenge, but i didnt do so good… So now that my 7 day vaca is over, should I just re-purchase a 10 day and start again??

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  8. Megan

    13. Jun, 2013

    I am having a really difficult time swallowing the herbal pills. I have been crushing them up, and then mixing them with water and then drinking them. Is that still effective, will I get the same results? What do you recommend when someone can’t swallow the pills? I am fine with the other ones because they are smaller and/or coated.

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  9. Laura

    01. Jun, 2013

    My friend made breaded baked chicken for dinner, but I scraped most of it off. Do you think it will affect my cleanse results?

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  10. Aundria

    24. May, 2013

    Hi, I’m on day three of the 10day cleanse and only doing that not the 24day challenge. How bad is it if i ate lightly breaded fish or foods with butter/oil. I know it says to completely avoid those. Would it ruin the process and not work? Or what happens? Thank you.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      25. Jun, 2013

      @ Aundria,
      For best results, follow the plan. If you are 90% on plan, you should be okay.

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  11. Teresa

    19. May, 2013

    My suggestion is for anyone doing the 24day challenge is to get snack size baggies and portion out your pills for each of the first 10days(Cleanse Phase) label each pack of vitamins am or pm and what day, and this will help you know which ones to take when! I did this and just grabbed a bag for whatever day I was on and I was out the door! I even labeled my fiber drinks that way I knew what day I was on and also I knew if I forgot anything! I hope this helps out.

    Now on the Max phase I grab a strip of MNS and divide up my catalyst and omegaplex and place these in my snack size baggies and staple it to a meal replacement shake pack. Right before bed after I take my last catalyst I set out my new back for the next day so I don’t forget! Because when you have to be out the door before 6am and your still half tired it can be hard to remember and focus to get your daily vitamins.

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  12. Jo

    16. May, 2013

    I’m on day4 and I took my fiber drank… So should I wait until day 9 now to start that again or do it on day 8 and run a day short?????

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  13. Samantha

    03. May, 2013

    About how much sodium can i can i consume in one day while on the 10 day cleans-if any?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      04. May, 2013

      @ Samantha,
      There is not a set amount, just try to avoid foods with excess sodium, or using too much salt.

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  14. brianna

    30. Apr, 2013

    i am soooo confused with the carbs im getting diffrent info about the bread ect…. could i just take carbs out complety and eat more fruits n veggies….

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      30. Apr, 2013

      Fruits and veggies have carbs. You can add 1 carb a day for best results during the cleanse. That would include half a sweet potato, 1/2 cup of plain brown rice or quinoa, small serving of hummus for example. Nothing with wheat.

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  15. Girl

    28. Apr, 2013

    I did the cleanse for the first three days and fell off completely throughout the weekend. I’m dedicated to do this now. Should I buy the products all over again and start from Day 1? Or should I continue from where I left off at Day 4? Any advice on this would help!!! Thanks!

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  16. Melissa

    20. Apr, 2013

    The gal who sold me Advocare said that I can eat anything I want and drink after the 10 day cleanse! Is this true? We were getting excited about being done but do we need to continue eating super healthy for 24 days? When do we go back to normal eating habits and not gain it all back in two days?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      23. Apr, 2013

      @ Melissa,
      The plan is all about eating healthy for life.

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  17. Barbara

    16. Apr, 2013

    I’m starting Day 4 tomorrow and have been taking 3 catalyst before the gym in the morning and it says tomorrow to have spark and 3 catalyst and probiotic tablets before breakfast then I go to work out after breakfast…should I take 3 more catalyst before I go to the gym?

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  18. zach

    16. Apr, 2013

    Please explain to me why I can have a half a cup of brown rice…but not have a half of cup of calrose rice. When the nutritional facts are the same on each packet. The brown rice just has one more vitamin then the calrose. Please explain.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      19. Apr, 2013

      @ Zach,

      Brown rice or quinoa (1/2 cooked) has more protein, fiber and less carbs than calrose or white rice.

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  19. Laura

    10. Apr, 2013

    Okay so I am finishing my third day of the cleanse and I drank some liquor! What do I do?! I don’t want it to ruin anything and I really want this to work? I didn’t ruin everything did I?

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  20. Kim

    02. Apr, 2013

    Do i need to eat immediately after the fiber drink? This morning i had my fiber drink after my workout but i didnt eat my breakfast for another 2 hours. Is that ok?

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  21. Becca

    08. Mar, 2013

    im on day 5 of the cleanse, and wasnt told not to have butter or bread, will my results be hendered. And am I suppose to stay on the diet past 10 days if i am only doing the cleasnse

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  22. amanda

    07. Mar, 2013

    seems like you have a lot of good advice… wanted to say this though..Ive had to search for two hours to get the advice I needed… Sure the info is on the website , but wow it is sooo hard to find… I recommend they redo their website completely.. and more info should come with the 24 day challenge..

    Reply to this comment
    • Sue

      23. Jun, 2013

      I feel exactly the same! I’m frankly a little upset that the website the distributors and the guide book all have different plans to follow. I’m ending day 4 without an inch or ounce to show for it and now I’m not surprised why! So disappointed.

      Reply to this comment
      • Healthy Girl

        24. Jun, 2013

        The plan has been around for a long time. We get best results with these instructions. Be sure to drink a lot of water.

        Reply to this comment
      • Sarah

        13. Aug, 2013

        I completely agree! The booklet says have a carb with each meal then I research and now saying no bread when bread is on the approved list on the booklet that comes with the challenge? So frustrating. I went almost the whole cleanse while having bread and feel like my results would have been better had I not had it.

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  23. Sara

    06. Mar, 2013

    What happens if I take the supplements and fiber drink during the cleanse but eat normal? Will it just not work or is it dangerous?

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  24. michelle

    05. Mar, 2013

    Hello I just started the cleanse and am on day 2. My question is I read the recipes on the site and it had squash listed. But under the recommended foods it says its a starch and shouldnt be eaten during phase 1. Also oatmeal is listed as a complex carb but again says not for phase 1. I’m confused on what complex carbs I can eat.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      12. Mar, 2013

      @ Michelle and Jodie,
      1 complex carb a day will yield best results at this phase. Choose from oatmeal, half a sweet potato, hummus, 1/2 cup brown rice. Limited portions of squash like delicata, acorn or butternut are fine as complex carb. Zucchini and summer squash can be a larger portion.

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  25. Christina

    04. Mar, 2013

    I am on Phase 2 and i am taking a pack 30 min before breakfast and one pack w/breakfast and one pack 30 min. before lunch and the one pack w/lunch, as it reads on the packs. Is tha ok, or should I do the two packs w/breakfast only?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      04. Mar, 2013

      @ Christina,
      Take the Before Breakfast pack 30 minutes before breakfast.
      Take the Before lunch pack 30 minutes before lunch.
      Take the 2 white packets with Breakfast OR with lunch.

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  26. Pam

    28. Feb, 2013

    I had Chinese on my 4th day of cleanse 🙁 should I eat something healthy or drink extra water?

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  27. Sara

    26. Feb, 2013

    I only took one Omegaplex the first night and completely forgot to take the herbal cleanse pills before bed. What should I do now?

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  28. Stacie

    24. Jan, 2013

    I forgot to take the herbal cleanse tablets at the end of the day on the first 2 days of the cleanse, I am on day three now, should I just continue like normal and not worry about it?

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  29. Michelle

    30. Dec, 2012

    What can I add to oatmeal for taste on the 24 day challenge?

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  30. ashlee

    08. Oct, 2012

    can i have turkey burgers during the first 10 days and if so best brand? also what about hummus?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      14. Oct, 2012

      @ Ashlee,
      Plain turkey burgers – just get the ground turkey to make them. Hummus can be used as your complex carb.

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  31. Ashley

    03. Oct, 2012

    Could we have sushi if its brown rice and has vegies in it?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      08. Oct, 2012

      For best results, wait until after the cleanse, and limit the sushi. 1/2 cup brown rice total, so be careful, and leave out soy sauce. Could cause you to stall, so be careful.

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  32. Christine

    19. Sep, 2012

    Is the cleanse part of it the first 10 days? or is it the whole 24 day challenge?

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  33. Katie

    28. Aug, 2012

    Can I eat brown rice during the cleanse?

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  34. Brenda

    27. Aug, 2012

    I am totally confused about what packet to take when….Do I take both white packets with a meal replacement shake, do I take 1 color MSN packet before breakfast, or do I take the pills according to the packet directions? I am very confused.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      29. Aug, 2012

      @ Brenda,
      On Phase 2,
      Take the first color packet that says BEFORE BREAKFAST half hour before breakfast with Spark(If you are taking Catalyst(3) and ThermoPlus(1), add those in here). Half hour later is the meal replacement shake(BREAKFAST) with the two white packets that say take WITH BREAKFAST. Then, half hour before lunch take the one that says BEFORE LUNCH(If you are taking Catalyst(3) and ThermoPlus(1), add those in here).

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  35. Bigtruck09

    02. Aug, 2012

    Can you use Texas Pete’s hot sauce on baked ck, fish, ect..

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      02. Aug, 2012

      @ BigTruck,
      A small amount should be okay, but only the hot sauce, not the wing sauce.

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  36. Bigtruck09

    01. Aug, 2012

    I was wondering while doing the challenge if sushi was ok and if so how much and if ginger was ok.

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  37. Liz

    07. Jul, 2012

    Can you eat beans during the cleanse phase? And how best to prepare? I notice guide says no canned veggies…

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      07. Jul, 2012

      @ LIz,
      You can cook dried beans with some spices and have a small portion.

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  38. janella

    01. Jul, 2012

    Can i have scramble eggs instead of boiled?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      01. Jul, 2012

      @ Janella,
      You can, but no milk or butter added. You can add water when scrambling and use a non-stick pan.

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  39. Benda

    11. Jun, 2012

    I want to lose weight too and I need help with my appetite. I also want more energy. I am 65 and all I want to do is sit, except when I was on the Max3. I plan to do the 24 day challenge next week. Wish me luck!

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  40. Benda

    04. Jun, 2012

    What is the difference in MNSMAX3 and MNSMAXC? I switched to MNSC just recently and I dont seem to have the energy I had on the other.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      06. Jun, 2012

      @ Brenda,
      Max C is for appetite control. It all depends on the individual, but Max3 is probably a better match for you.

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