Delicious Delicata Squash
Posted on 21. Nov, 2015 by Healthy Girl in Recipes & Food
Have you fallen in love with delicata squash yet? We think it is THE best veggie. Hurry to try to find some as the season is almost over. We have to admit to scouring our local stores for the last ones to stock up.
Delicata squash is easier to prepare and cook than the standard butternut or acorn winter squash. It is simple to make this as a side dish for your healthy eating lifestyle.
How to Prepare
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Wash the squash, and trim the ends. and then slice lengthwise. Scoop out the seeds. Then slice into 3/4″ slices that look like half moons. On a cookie sheet or shallow roasting pan, spray PAM then put the squash in a single layer. Add a quick spray of PAM on top and season with salt and a little pepper. Roast for 30 minutes or until slightly carmelized. Serve with a steamed green veggie and a lean protein for a great meal.
Prepare enough for leftovers. They reheat well, and we will share a another recipe for using the leftovers soon.